#2480 – The Red Dress Run
December 11, 2022 was a historic day for the hash- we proved that democracy is alive and well within the group and among the Mexican people. We should all congratulate 2nd Man In and Mexican Handjob for one of the most memorable erections of the year. 二零二二年年十二月十一日(盛竹如口吻)是越野跑史上歷史性的一刻,我們證明了民主尚健在於台灣健龍捷兔,以及墨西哥人當中。讓我們為了這一年中最值得紀念的起秋時刻,再次好好恭喜叫我第二名(2nd Man In)卸任及墨西哥手工活(Mexican Hadjob)上任。 In fact, this week’s hares were so impressed with the erection that they’re eager to keep it going with a red dress run! Don your finest (or sluttiest?) formal wear and chase Norman Sucks and Venus Breakdown through the beautiful Wenshan mountains. For the best views, take it slow and keep your eyes on the trail to catch a glimpse of Taiwan’s finest hairy asses on the uphill sections. 其實本週的兔子就是在起秋跑那天被咱們驚豔到,決定一不做二不休來個紅洋裝特跑!快套上你最好(或最騷?)的洋裝,一起到文山區的美麗山上準備抓兔子諾漫就爛(Norman Sucks)跟維納斯的起笑(Venus Breakdown)。想看到最好的景,可以跑慢點並注意一下上坡那些外表看似辣妹,毛囊卻過於常人的屁股們。 And for all you singles ladies, the hares have prepared ample opportunities to find your red-dressed prince on the trail. These include a beer check, a no-panties zone, and a rebirth line! Truly, this is an extra spicy start to Mexican Handjob’s new career, and we can’t wait to see how Mr. Sausage delivers his down-downs! 至於你各位單身女士們,兔子們在路線上有特別規劃保留充足的機會找到你們的紅衣王子喔! 本次路線包含但不限於:啤酒中繼站,內褲禁區(必須褪口罩),還有一條受孕aka重生幹線(因為脱完內褲,跨過墳頭,下一步就是投胎了你知道的…)以上是兔子愛開玩笑,但說真的,這對於墨西哥手工活(Mexican Handjob)新官上任真是一個嗆辣的開始,另外還有香腸頭家(Mr. Sausage)在吐槽大會的表現也非常令人拭目以待! ** hares advise no heels for this run **兔子建議不要穿高跟鞋蛤 ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare主兔: Norman Sucks 副兔: Venus Breakdown ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 5 km + Elevation: 250 m / 爬升: 250 m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Wenshan Jingmei Sports Park 景美運動公園(萬隆站) https://maps.app.goo.gl/XSZhQ2BVbWeRQ9Ev8 ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take the green line to Wanlong Station. Flour from exit 2. 搭乘捷運松山新店線(綠線)至萬隆站,二號出口出來跟著麵粉走。 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* 好菜場生猛海鮮 02 8931 7131 https://maps.app.goo.gl/HqLPdGQZaSnesdhR7
When & Where
December 18, 2022 (2:00 pm) – December 18, 2022 (12:00 pm)
Wenshan Jingmei Sports Park 景美運動公園(萬隆站) https://maps.app.goo.gl/XSZhQ2BVbWeRQ9Ev8
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