Hashing came to Taiwan with the founding of the Taipei Hash in 1973. From the Taipei Hash countless other Hash kennels have been formed including ourselves the Taiwan Hash House Harriers. We were founded in 1975 and up untill December of 2020 ran under the name China Hash House Harriers. The name was changed by outgoing GM Vaginal Plumbing to properly reflect our identity as a Taiwanese Hash.
In Taiwan you can find dozens of hash groups operating on different schedules with a broad range of cultures. If Taiwan Hash is not for you fret not you are sure to find what you are looking for. Click on the Taiwanese Hash groups button to see links to and descriptions of most of the hash groups in Taiwan.
Running the Hash for the first time can be intimidating.
What should you wear? Should you bring a towel? Will the group be friends with me? What the hell is a hare?
I am sure you have many questions, worry not young padawan. We have all the answers for you and then some on our page especially designed for virgins. Click the button on the left.