What is a hare?
A hare is a runner who lays down makes the route for Sunday’s run. They will go out to “reccy” (find) the trail several times before the date and cut new and unique sections for the pack to follow.
Hares leave before the rest of the pack lay flour down as they go. The pack takes chase and tries to catch them. To avoid being caught hares can lay special flour marks called checks which mean there will be no flour for the next 100M. A good hare can use these checks to make the run more enjoyable and interesting.
Virgin Hares
If you have never hared before you will be required to serve as cohare before you will be allowed to hare your own run. Talk to people at runs to find out who might be willing to take you on and teach you the art of haring or get in touch with the trailmaster who can arrange to have your cherry popped by a sufficiently experienced hare.
What makes a TwH3 Run?
Taiwan Hash runs are between 7 and 8 kilometers in length. If you want to do longer you can (up to 10km) but you must provide a short option . The purpose of our group is to make our older members feel younger than they are and as such excessively long runs are not usually well recieved.
The route should incorporate a variety of terrain and mild elevation. Technical sections are encouraged but you must make sure the route is safe for a reasonably capable person to run. Remember our members vary in age and ability. A good hare will find the right balance to make everyone feel as if they conquered the day.
How do I Hare?
If you can run at a decent clip then you can hare. All you need is a bag of flour and some imagination. Head out into your local area and find a route you think is worthy of the Taiwan Hash and then get in contact with our TrailMaster to organise a date to host your run.
As a general rule hares require 500g of flour for every kilometer of run. Flour can be “stashed” along the route to lighten the load. If it is a rainy day hares need to add powdered red food dye to their flour so it can be spotted easilly and not washed away.