#2471- The Bamboob Job Run
N.B. Hares Off at earlier winter start time of 2:00. 因應進入冬季時間, 兔子將於下午2:00起跑。 ******WHAT?******* 路線:A to A Distance: 7.5 km Elevation: 200m 爬升:200m This week’s hares are experts in the field of hashing, and as if to prove it, Bamboo has literally gone and written the book on it. 本周兔子是hash老手, 他甚至出了本書以茲證明。 The book has been in development for a longtime. Rumor has it the project was started 40 years ago after one particularly drunken Down Island back in the days of China Hash. Bamboo and his co-conspirators had enjoyed the attention of some of the most top-heavy and voluptuous women on the island. However, they found their happiness tinged with a slight sadness. What would happen when their good looks began to fade? They realized they needed to begin investing for retirement. Their plan – to write a best-selling history of the hash and use the proceedings to finance their decadent last years. 出版書的計畫其實已經籌備很久了, 相傳大約四十年前Taiwan Hash還叫做China Hash時, 一年特別醉的蕩哀楞後兔子就開始規劃此書, Bamboo和他的共謀者彼時相當享受當地一些重量級妖嬌淑女的青睞, 不過他們後來越想越感到蛋蛋的哀傷, 當他們年華老去, 該怎麼辦?! 他們意識到是時候開始擬定退休計畫了- 寫一本hash史上最暢銷的書然後用稿費資助他們的下半生! They drank copiously, behaved outrageously, and then started to write it all down. The outcome is what you are now presented with: The History of Hashing in Taiwan. It is hot off the press and selling fast. If your Chinese only stretches as far as reading the menu in McDonalds, then you can content yourself with looking at all the pictures of sweaty and mostly half-naked hashers. 他們於是喝得酩酊大醉, 舉止超級中二, 然後一邊把一切都記錄下來, 成果就是你們所看到的: 台灣hash史, 此書名氣很火, 賣得很快, 啊如果你的華語只有麥當勞菜單的程度, 那你還有一些半裸的跑友照片可以觀賞(看得懂這段的話你應該不用擔心)。 Update – the profits from the book will actually go towards the TH3 50th anniversary party. The money the hare has saved since giving up drinking is more than enough to finance his decadent retirement without needing the money from book sales. 特此聲明:此書的收益其實是要贊助台灣健龍五十周年派對, 兔子戒酒以來省下的錢已經足夠讓他安享晚年了。 Hare: Bamboo Co-hare: Melamine *******WHEN******* Date: Sunday October 16th 2022 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE******* JingQin Park II, No. 49, Xinan St. XinYi Dist. Taipei City. (景勤二號公園, 台北市信義區信安街49號) https://goo.gl/maps/ZK6JVwzrFqQeYAbz7 ******HOW?******* MRT Liuzangli station(750m) MRT Taipei 101 Station(1.1K) 怎麼去: 捷運文湖線(棕色線)六張犁站 (750公尺) 或捷運淡水信義(紅線)世貿中心/101站(1.1公里) *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH******* 嚐鮮樓 No. 92, Xinan St. XinYi Dist. Taipei City. 台北市信義區信安街92號 https://goo.gl/maps/S6KtABaXyS7JhfzK7 *******COVID******* Use hand sanitizer before giving the hash cash money. 請在給Hash Cash前先消毒你的手 If you are at all worried about COVID-19 then stay home. 如果你擔心病毒問題,請你待在家裡不要來 If you are a higher risk demographic please stay home. 如果你是高風險族群,請你待在家裡不要來 This is for your safety and you can attend at your own risk. 這攸關你的安全及健康,請自我斟酌負責是否來參加 *******Dick Check******* Although we want you to have fun on the party bus and other hash events, remember that you being drunk isn’t an invitation to grope, harass someone or generally be a dick. Any inappropriate behavior will be met with an immediate 1 year ban from all Taiwan Hash events regardless of your gender and sexual orientation. We’re here to have fun and that’s it! Just remember, think about your mother before you act, that should get rid of your horn. *給全部跑友的提醒* 我們希望大家都在聚會和派對上玩得開心,但請注意,就算喝醉也不代表你可以隨意去摸來摸去、騷擾別人或是變成一個混蛋。當我們發現有任何不適當的行為發生,不論你的性別或性向是如何,我們將馬上禁止你一年內不得再來TwH3聚會或派對! 請記住,我們來TwH3開心的,請大家三思而後行! *******Disclaimer******* 1- First time runners! Bring a change, set of clean clothes and shoes. Trail might be muddy, crossing rivers may happen, and hares are responsible if it is raining. (Blame them during the down-downs) 2- hashers bringing first time runners, please, be in charge to babysit them along the trail. 3- It is recommended to 1st Time runners to bring their cellphone on the trail. 4- This is a running event, it may include trails, climbing, snakes … runners are informed they are RESPONSIBLE for their OWN safety. Late Walkers/Runners will be rescued if missing at the finish line… 5- Eat before joining to avoid low blood sugar 6- this event is including alcoholic beverages, please be responsible and don’t drive 1- 第一次來參加的兔友們,請攜帶更換的衣服及鞋子。路線可能會泥濘,也有可能會穿越 一些河。如果下雨的話,就怪兔子吧(你可以在down down時唸他們一下)!! 2- 帶第一次來跑的兔友們,請自行負責照顧你的朋友! 3- 我們建議第一次來跑的朋友們,帶著你的手機一起跑,以備不時之需 4- 這是一個跑山的活動,這代表會有未開發的小徑、攀岩、蛇等等,參加者自行對自身安全負責。遲到或是走比較慢的兔友,我們如果發現你沒回到終點,我們會去找你。 5- 參加此活動前,請確保你來之前吃些東西,避免低血糖血壓狀況發生 6- 這是一個提供酒精飲料的活動,喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒
When & Where
October 16, 2022 (2:30 pm) – October 16, 2022 (12:00 am)
JingQin Park II No. 49, Xinan St. XinYi Dist. Taipei City. (景勤二號公園, 台北市信義區信安街49號) https://goo.gl/maps/ZK6JVwzrFqQeYAbz7