#2590 - The Muddy Little Secret Run


Wet Secret and Pig Mud were enjoying a soak in the hidden mud pool of Yuantankeng that only they know about. “I’m so glad you showed me where this place is,” said Pig Mud. “Sure, though I’m having some regrets,” said Wet Secret, “since it used to be a clear water spring before you started coming here.” “Mud is good for your skin,” snorted Pig Mud, “anyway, let us plan our run. You said it’s with Taiwan Hash?” “Yes,” said Wet Secret, “which means, finally, we don’t have to pick a run spot near the metro!” “The Metro is good for your lungs,” snorted Pig Mud. Wet Secret和Pig Mud正享受著泡在陽明山深處一個只有他們知道的泥潭裡。 “謝謝你與我分享了這個秘密景點,”Pig Mud說。 “不客氣,雖然我有點後悔,”Wet Secret說,“因為你還沒來之前,這裡曾經是一處非常清澈的泉水……” “泥巴對你的皮膚有好處,”Pig Mud哼了一聲,“不管怎樣,讓我們計劃一下我們的路線。 你說這是與臺灣健龍一起的?” “是啊,”Wet Secret說,“太好了!我們終於不用每次都必須設計在捷運附近的路線!” “捷運跑對你的肺有好處,”Pig Mud又發出幾次豬叫聲。 “How about this area? It’s not that far from the Green line, all you need is a bus,” asked Wet Secret. “Snort! You are riding buses now? Wait until Taipei Metro and New Taipei Metro Hash hear about this. You have lost your way!” criticized Pig Mud. “Don’t worry, I picked a route that skips most of the Mud and instead has good views, challenging checks, and runnable sections,” said Wet Secret as he unfurled a map. Pig Mud squealed unpleasantly. “But this trail runs through my secret bamboo shoot gardens! Bamboo shoots are good for my colon! Make sure those sticky-fingered Taiwan hashers don’t pick my lovely bamboo shoots!” he said. “Sure, whatever,” said Wet Secret. Pig Mud stood up in the muck and grabbed Wet Secret by the shoulders: “This is important! Make sure nobody hurts my poor bamboo shoots!” “Okay, okay! I’ll make sure they get the message!” said Wet Secret. “這裡怎麼樣?地點離新店綠線不遠,只需要轉個公車,”Wet Secret問道。 “齁齁! 你現在都坐公車了嗎? 等臺北捷運跑和新北捷運跑的大夥們知道這件事,你就死定了!” Pig Mud批評著。 Wet Secret打開一張地圖說:“放心,我選擇了一條沒有像Pig Mud一樣泥濘的路線,還有很好的景色、具有挑戰性的檢查標記和跑步友善的小徑。” Pig Mud不爽地用尖銳的豬聲說: “但這個路線會經過我秘密私藏的竹筍園! 那些竹筍對我的結腸有益處! 你要保證那些臺灣捷兔跑的髒手手不會去拔我可愛的竹筍!” “好啦,隨便吧,”Wet Secret說。 Pig Mud從泥潭跳起來,抓住Wet Secret的肩膀:“認真點!這很重要! 你要保證沒有人會去傷害我那些可憐的竹筍!” “好啦,好啦! 我會讓大家都知道的!” Wet Secret 回答道。 Pig Mud leaned in very close, the hairs on his chin tickling Wet Secret’s ears. “Do you know what happens to bamboo shoots after a pig has eaten them?” he asked. Wet Secret, more aroused than afraid, waited for the response. “The same thing that happens to everything else.” Pig Mud突然靠得很近,下巴上的毛在Wet Secret的耳朵上撓癢癢,恐嚇道: “你知道竹筍被豬吃下去之後會發生什麼事嗎?” Wet Secret 不發一語等著Pig Mud 解答,與其害怕,竟然產生了莫名的興奮感。 “什麼事都不會發生。” ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Wet Secret Cohare 副兔: Pig Mud ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A點到 A點 L/長: 7 km + Elevation/爬升: 400m S/短 : 5 km + Elevation/爬升: 300m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, 26 Jan 2025/一月26號星期日 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑,請提早二十分鐘到 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* 福德宮 https://maps.app.goo.gl/G6hDXXgypC5V71JK7?g_st=ic ******HOW? / 怎去******* Metro to Qizhang, take bus to the last bus stop Daxiangshan by GR9 Gengxin, then follow the flour GR9 Gengxin GR9 Gengxin Route 捷運七張站轉公車綠9耕莘坐到大香山 下車後跟著麵粉走去 *******PRICE/參加費******* Men/男 $250 Women/女 $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* Please find your Taiwanese friends and go home with them for a family meal. 新年快樂!請回家團圓圍爐!

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mailto:taiwanhashhouseharriers@gmail.com?subject=TwH3 #2590 Inquiry

When & Where

January 26, 2025 (2:00 pm) – January 26, 2025 (6:00 pm)

福德宮 https://maps.app.goo.gl/G6hDXXgypC5V71JK7?g_st=ic