#2586 – The Blind Drunk New Year’s Run
“What happened to you?” asked No One Cares, as CSO walked into the table at the restaurant, her eyes covered in bandages. “Nothing, I’m fine! Just some minor eye damage,” said CSO as she sat down in someone else’s lap. “Your chair is on your left. How did you hurt your eyes?” asked No One Cares. “My eyes are fine! I can see great!” said a stubborn CSO, who proceeded to open the menu and read it upside down. “Was it an accident on trail?,” asked No One Cares, caring a bit too much. “Did a bird poop in it? Did you get in a fight with a gangster? Did someone jizz in your…” “Nothing happened,” interrupted CSO, her face turning red, “and this doesn’t change our plans! I will hare the last run of 2024 no matter what! It just may be a bit more city run-ish, that’s all.” She turned to place her order: “I’ll have the chicken, please.” “That’s the garbage man, and this is a fish restaurant,” said No One Cares. “你怎麼了?” 當CSO走進餐廳的桌子時,No One Cares 問道,CSO的眼睛被繃帶覆蓋著。 “沒什麼,我很好! 只是一些輕微的眼睛損傷,”CSO輕鬆回答,並且一屁股坐在別人的腿上。 “你的椅子在你的左邊啦! 你的眼睛是怎麼受傷的?” No One Cares 又問。 “我的眼睛很好! 我能看得很好!” 固執的CSO回答,她打開顛倒的菜單,仔細閱讀。 “這是在路線上出的事故嗎?”No One Cares繼續問,似乎是有點太care了。 “有一隻鳥在妳眼睛裡拉屎嗎? 還是你和黑幫分子打架了? 或是有人射在你的……”“什麼都沒有發生,”CSO打斷了她的話,臉漲紅,“這不會改變我們的計劃! 無論如何,我都會繼續當2024年最後一次的兔子! 只是路線可能更靠近城市,僅此而已。” 她轉身點餐:“請給我雞肉。” “你正在跟一個收垃圾的人員點菜,而且這是一家魚餐廳,”No One Cares說。 “What about you?,” asked CSO, “Did you arrange what I requested?” “Yes,” said No One Cares, “I bought four bottles of fine sake for the sake check! What a creative way to ring in the new year!” “Excellent! Let me try some! You know CSO stands for ‘Chief Sake Officer,’ yes?” lied the Chief Shit Officer, grabbing a bottle and drinking heavily. “You are drinking hot sauce,” said No One Cares, “Maybe take off the bandage?” “I’m fine! I always drink hot sauce with sake! Now where is that bottle?,” she said, reaching her hand out before… ::crash:: “Great, now there are three bottles,” said No One Cares, “Please, I’m your co-hare, let me help you.” “I said, I’M FINE” shouted CSO, as two white-hot beams of energy shot out from behind the bandages, vaporizing the menu and missing No One Cares by a millimeter. The whole restaurant turned to look as the hare blushed. “Damn,” said CSO, “he told me it wasn’t contagious!” “那妳呢?”CSO問道,“我要求的那些東西妳都準備好了嗎?” “是的,”No One Cares說,“我買了四瓶頂級清酒作為清酒補給站! 多麼有創意的迎接新年的方式啊!” “太棒了! 讓我試試! 妳知道我的名字CSO就是意味著“首席清酒官”,對嗎?” (其實這也可以意味著是首席吃屎官),她抓起一個瓶子,狂飲起來。 “你正在喝的這瓶是辣椒醬耶,”No One Cares說,“也許妳應該摘下繃帶?” “我很好! 我喝清酒時總是配著辣椒醬! 現在給我那瓶清酒,在哪?,”她說,伸出手到處尋找……::玻璃破碎::“太好了,現在我們是三瓶清酒了,”No One Cares翻白眼,“拜託,我是你的副兔,讓我來幫你。” “我已經說了,我很好”CSO喊道,兩束白熱的光芒從繃帶後面噴出,連菜單都被光芒射到蒸發,以一毫米的距離錯過了No One Cares。 正當野兔臉紅時,整個餐廳都轉過身來注意。 “該死,”CSO說,“他們告訴我這個傷沒有傳染性!” ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔:CSO Cohare 副兔: No One Cares ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 10 km + Elevation/ 爬升: 10 m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, December 29, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Xizhi Sports Center 汐止區綜合運動場 https://maps.app.goo.gl/e4gyg3Rz9G2BMU7U7 ******HOW? / 怎去******* TRA train to Xizhi/台鐵去汐止 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* Hao Liaoli Restaurant 好料理餐廳 +886 2 2649 0391 https://maps.app.goo.gl/qoF5XMz6p7K1xvWFA
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mailto:taiwanhashhouseharriers@gmail.com?subject=TwH3 #2586 Inquiry
When & Where
December 29, 2024 (2:00 pm) – December 29, 2024 (6:00 pm)
Xizhi Sports Center 汐止區綜合運動場 https://maps.app.goo.gl/e4gyg3Rz9G2BMU7U7