#2579 - The Lost in the Bamboo Run


Everyone knows two things about Taoyuan: its hashers are retarded, and they have more sheep than people. Okay, that first one is Hsinchu, and the last one is New Zealand, but didn’t stop Sheepshagger from taking the airport line out in search of a new, true love. [His old, true love back home in New Zealand got scrapie.] And love he did find: not the wooly kind, but of the scenic trail variety, with lush bamboo forests, fresh air, horny farmer aunties, and all those other things you can’t easily get in Taipei. He wanted to share this love with the world, by creating a trail showcasing the beauty of our neighboring county. Sheepshagger is a legend in Taiwan’s hasher community, running long before the purple line or even the MRT was developed, you spoiled whipper-snappers. Back in his day, they didn’t have Strava: you sent hand-inked trails maps to the trailmasters by carrier pigeon! If you wanted to do a bus run, you had to pick up the bus frame and move it forward with your feet! Uphill, in the shiggy, both ways! Aiding this elder hare in his adventure is the surprisingly well aged Second Man In, who is as smooth as a fine tequila and as crazy as a Hsinchu hasher is retarded. He knows the tricks needed to make a great hash run exceptional. Don’t be fooled by their years: these hares are going to be hard to catch, especially since they know how to weave and dodge between the bamboo like a sheep trying to escape a pack of horny kiwis. Come see for yourself the beauty of bamboo [that’s bamboo the plant, not Bamboo the hasher… though he has his admirers]. But if you see any sheep, wear protection! I heard scrapie is contagious. 每個人都知道關於桃園的兩件事:這裡的hashers都是智障,而且這裡的羊比人多。好吧,第一句是在說新竹hash,第二句是講紐西蘭,但這並沒有阻止Sheepshagger坐上機場線,尋找新的真愛。[他在紐西蘭的舊愛得了羊菜花] 而他確實找到了愛:不是毛茸茸的那種,而是風景優美的登山步道,翠綠的竹林、新鮮的空氣、熱情的農婦阿姨,還有其他台北不容易找到的事物。他希望與大家分享這份愛,藉由設計一條展示鄰近縣市之美的步道。 Sheepshagger在台灣hash中是個傳奇,早在紫線,甚至捷運系統還沒出現時,他就已經在跑步了,你們這些被寵壞的年輕人。在他那個年代,沒有Strava:你得用手工墨水畫好地圖,然後飛鴿傳書給路線組!如果要搭公車,你得自己抬起車架,用腳推著前進!上坡、在泥地中、雙向都是如此!這次協助這位年長的兔子的是意外地年紀也不小的Second Man In,他如同一杯上等的龍舌蘭般順滑,瘋狂程度媲美新竹hash的弱智。他知道如何讓一場亂變得更加精彩。別被他們的年紀欺騙了:這些獵兔者很難追上,尤其是他們知道如何在竹林間穿梭,像隻想要逃脫一群熱情紐西蘭人的羊一樣。來親眼看看竹林的美吧!(這裡指的是竹子植物,不是寫書的bamboo儘管他也有些粉絲)。但是如果看到任何羊,記得做好防護措施帶個套!我聽說羊性病會傳染。 ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Sheepshagger Cohare 副兔: Second-Man In ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 8.2km + 360m elevation gain *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, November 10, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* 桃園樂天宮 https://maps.app.goo.gl/8eeSsDT1kk8ds7mL9 ******HOW? / 怎去******* First take the airport MRT from Taipei Main Station to Kengkou Station. From Kengkou: 1) Walk 2.8km (flat, no hills) 2) Take Youbike to station near start (100m) 3) 10 minute taxi (160nt) *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* 大排檔居酒屋(南山店)佳園復古餐廳 033246678 https://maps.app.goo.gl/U365StaA5f23T2ph7

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When & Where

November 10, 2024 (2:00 pm) – November 10, 2024 (6:00 pm)
