#2577 - Mission Im-bus-sible


Haojiubujian, hashers! This is a message from your hares, Pinhole and Teapot. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the forests behind the Fu’an Temple in Yuanshan, Yilan. Officially your goal is to catch the hares, get drunk, have a good time, laugh at GM XiaoJiJi’s down-downs, and not think about elephants. [Don’t think about them!] Unofficially, the real purpose of this mission is to set up a distraction while your other GM, Tiny Balls, breaks into the covert archives of the Taiwan Bus Driver’s Union to wipe all traces of us from their security footage and edit their file on Taiwan Hash to remove any and all mention of loud music, shirtless dancing, and urinating in the fuel tanks. He is not experienced at spycraft, but he is the only one small enough to crawl through air ducts without getting stuck. The trail is a 5-star route full of excitement and great value. Hazards include river tracing, abseiling, river sliding, and steep rappelling, so pay attention to your safety. To exfiltrate, you will need to solve several checks of randomly increasing, decreasing, or unchanging difficulty. A small army of walkers will be deployed first to set off any land-mines along the way. We will take the train and taxi pool to the location: assume all bus drivers are enemy spies. We will know the mission is successful when Tiny Balls sends us the all-clear message: “Bohemian Rhapsody.” As always, should you or any of your fellow hounds be caught or arrested for public indecency, the GMs will disavow any knowledge of your actions. We don’t want a repeat of the Malaysia incident, do we? This facebook post will self-destruct in ten seconds. …What do you mean, ‘that’s not possible’? Toasted Taint, you had one job: make self-destructing facebook posts! How will you be next year’s GM at this rate? 好久不見,hashers !這是你們的兔子 Pinhole 和 Teapot 給你們的訊息。 你們的任務,若選擇接受,是滲透到宜蘭員山的福安寺後方的森林裡。官方目標是抓住兔子、喝醉、玩得開心、小雞雞噹噹時配合的笑一下,並且不要想到大象。(不要想!) 但是我們的真正任務是製造分散注意力的機會,讓你們的另一位會長 Tiny Balls 潛入台灣巴士司機工會的秘密檔案庫,抹去我們的所有監控錄像痕跡,並修改他們關於Taiwan hash 的檔案,移除任何關於大聲放音樂、光著上身跳舞和往油箱裡小便的紀錄。他雖然沒有間諜經驗,但他是唯一個子夠小能不被卡住爬過通風管道的人。 這條路線是五星級的,充滿了刺激和超值體驗。路上有遡溪、攀繩、河流滑水道和陡坡垂降等危險,因此請注意安全。要脫離這片區域,你需要解決難度隨機變化的幾個check。一支由散步的組成的小隊會先行出發,為你們排除沿途的地雷。這次的地點比較難去所以我們要搭火車再揪人一起搭等計程車上去起跑點,我們要假設所有司機都是敵方間諜,大家要乖乖,直到 Tiny Balls 發送「波希米亞狂想曲」訊息讓我們可以趴踢。 一如既往,如果你因為公然猥褻被捕或遭逮捕,GM將否認與此事有任何關聯。我們不想重演馬來西亞事件,對吧? 這則臉書貼文將在十秒內自我毀滅。……什麼?你說「那是不可能的」?Toasted Taint,你就一個任務:製作能自我毀滅的臉書貼文!照這樣下去,你明年還怎麼當GM ? ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Pinhole Cohare 副兔: Teapot ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A ??? + 400m elevation gain *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, October 27, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* 員山大礁溪福安宮福德正神 https://maps.app.goo.gl/HfERd4qgFHCzMVHD8 ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take bus or train to Yilan Transfer Station, then taxi pool (15 minute ride) or take bus G16 to the run start (50 minutes) 如何去? 搭火車或客運去宜蘭火車站/轉運站 找人一起搭計程車或搭公車G16 到起跑點 起跑點距離火車站只有15分鐘車程 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* 望龍埤鵝肉攤 https://maps.app.goo.gl/twKk6gwTdsHC1BPY6

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mailto:taiwanhashhouseharriers@gmail.com?subject=TwH3 #2577 Inquiry

When & Where

October 27, 2024 (2:00 pm) – October 27, 2024 (6:00 pm)

員山大礁溪福安宮福德正神 https://maps.app.goo.gl/HfERd4qgFHCzMVHD8