#2573 – The Attack on Bitan Run
When he’s not busy with his secret mind control experiments and putting nanochips in vaccines, 5G likes to roam around Bitan forest, checking out possible trails and trying to get the fireflies to flash secret messages in Morse code. Boosting his signal this time is TAIMAX, in his prototype semiconductor sneakers. With those two haring, the run is hardwired to be excellent. The only snag was the bash: it was originally planned to be at the Shack pizza restaurant, but the hash is banned from there. But why? Some say the table down-downs disturbed local wildlife. Some say the hashers got too drunk and started making outlandish orders, like cold chicken and Taiwan Beer on pizza. Some say XiaoJiJi tried to carry olives between his butt cheeks. Some say Tiny Balls merely showed his face, and suddenly the owner picked up a pizza cutter and chased him outside in a rage. No one knows for sure, but we’re not bothered. Plenty of cold chicken and Taiwan Beer at other restaurants! 當5G不忙於他的祕密腦波控制實驗和嘗試把納米晶片放進疫苗時,他喜歡在碧潭森林裡閒晃,勘查可能的路線,並試圖讓螢火蟲用摩斯密碼閃朔來互相溝通傳達加密消息。這次增強他信號的是TAIMAX,穿著他那雙原型半導體運動鞋。有這兩個人在一起跑,這次的亂注定會是精彩絕倫的。唯一的問題是bash:原本計劃在Shack披薩餐廳舉行,但hashers被下禁止往來戶了。為什麼呢? 有人說,桌上的down-down儀式打擾了當地的野生動物。有人hashers們喝得太醉,開始自創一些古怪的食物,比如雞肉和加台灣啤酒的披薩。也有人說小雞雞試圖用屁股夾橄欖。還有人說Tiny Balls只是露了個臉,店主突然就抓起披薩刀,氣沖沖地追他出門。沒有人知道確切原因,但我們也不在意。其他餐廳有的是雞肉和台灣啤酒! ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: 5G Cohare 副兔: TAIMAX ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A L:8 km + 450m elevation gain S:6.5 km + 250m elevation gain *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* 碧潭堰兒童遊戲場 https://maps.app.goo.gl/6Hiu1CyeSo9pcwZE9 ******HOW? / 怎去******* MRT to Xindian Station and walk 800m *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* Xin Yuan Xin Restaurant 新圓鑫餐廳 https://maps.app.goo.gl/vD3X9QN4BjBSE3eS7
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When & Where
September 29, 2024 (2:30 pm) – September 29, 2024 (6:00 pm)
碧潭堰兒童遊戲場 https://maps.app.goo.gl/6Hiu1CyeSo9pcwZE9