#2568 - Joint Run w/ Party Beaches


The Leash was walking her husband, Dr. Binlang, along the beach, when who should walk up to them but Fucking Sucks in a fetching pink bikini. “Fuck you!” said Fucking Sucks. “What did you say?” asked Dr. Binlang. “He said, ‘good morning, lovely day for a run'” translated The Leash. “Good morning, Fucking Sucks. I see you are ready for the Formosa Hash bikini run?” “Fuck you,” said Fucking Sucks. “No, you and I are co-haring the joint run between Taiwan Hash and New Taipei Hash” corrected The Leash, “which is the day after the Bikini Run.” “Fuck you?” asked Fucking Sucks. “Is that Cantonese or something?” asked a bewildered Dr. Binlang. “We have no time to waste. Do you have any trails around baishawan?” asked The Leash. “Fuck you. [No trails but only tombs, graves, or vampires coffin come to my mind],” said Fucking Sucks. “But today is Taiwan Hash and New Taipei Hash, not Marvel,” said more bewildered Dr. Binlang. “Fuck you. [We are one family. Marvel can be anywhere, anytime],” said Fucking Sucks. Then he took off his bikini and t-back, and put on Chinese zombie costumes. “[Let me show you the power of Marvel. Marvel will show you trail],” said Fucking Sucks. Fucking Sucks began to hop around like a… well, like a hare. The sky darkened into night. Normal people fled the beach. Dr. Binlang scratched a flea. “Stop showing off,” scolded the Leash, “you are scaring off the bikini babes.” “Fuck you,” said Fucking Sucks, this time meaning what he said. Ghosts of the damned and drowned began to appear, emerging from the waves and paths, forming a long snake of spirits. Fucking Sucks stopped his hop, and suddenly all the ghosts collapsed into piles of… flour!? “[See! Marvel won’t let you down],” said Fucking Sucks. Then sun showed his face to ground. “But you scared the bikini babes. They all gone,” sighed The Leash. “Fuck you. [Nothing can stop my attraction to bikini babes],” said Fucking Sucks. He pulled out a bottle of beer from his ass hole like a different dimension space. “[Let’s share this beer and sing together],” said Fucking Sucks. They drank the bottle up. “Tastes good,” said Dr. Binlang. Then they held hands and sang “Lin Lin Lin, Lin Lin Lin, Lin Liou Go Zai Lin”. All bikini babes, see you guys on Sunday. Let’s see if The Leash and Fucking Sucks’ magic works or not. 某個風和日麗的日子The leash 正用牽繩牽著她的老公Dr.binglang 在海邊散步,突然巧遇了穿著粉紅比基尼的Fucking sucks “Fuck you !” 他說 Dr.binglang 一臉困惑完全聽無 The leash 急忙翻譯, 「他說早安啦真是個適合跑步的日子」然後跟fucking sucks 說「看你的打扮應該已經準備好要去bikini run 了! 」 “Fuck you !” 他回答 「 我們隔天要幫Twh3 還有Nth3做個聯合特跑你可別忘了」 “Fuck you!” 他再度回答 Dr.binglang 搔搔頭頭一歪,他在說廣東話嗎? 到底在說三小?認真聽不懂 其實聽得懂髒東西的人實在不多,但是特跑太重要所以以下我們幫他翻成白話文 The leash 說「沒時間了啦,白沙灣這邊的路要趕快來找一下」 “Fuck you !”(沒有路啦只有墓仔埔和吸血鬼棺材) The leash 「但是這次又不是媽佛亂你在那邊扯」 “Fuck you!” (什麼hash 都一家親啦,媽佛在你我的心裡!) 他邊說邊脫下粉紅比基尼穿上了僵屍裝要用媽佛的力量來找出一條路線,他像殭屍(還是兔子?)一樣開始跳來跳去,天空突然一片漆黑,打雷閃電把所有海灘上的比妹都嚇跑了! The leash 「幹!快點停下來!我們需要比基尼正妹!」 “FUCK YOU !” ( 急急如律令媽咪媽咪轟! ) 所有的鬼魂出現後都變成了一堆麵粉 “Fuck you “ (你看吧,媽佛才不會讓你失望,所有的比妹都無法抗拒的) 他接著從自己的屁股拿出一瓶啤酒對著the leash 和Dr. Binglang 說”Fuck you “ (來啦喝酒唱歌) 淋淋淋 淋淋淋 淋了勾再淋 他們手牽手喝著啤酒快樂離開 大家我們禮拜天聯合特跑海邊見 ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: The Leash Cohare 副兔: Fucking Sucks ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 6.5km + 125m elevation gain *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, August 25, 2024 Time: Hares off at 15:00 兔子兩點半起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* 白沙灣水域遊憩區 https://maps.app.goo.gl/AMwzp7ePcV4gZd5JA ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take public bus 860/862/863 bus to 北觀風景區管理處 from Tamsui MRT station. TwHers can sign up for the NTH3 party bus on the NTH3 page. See the event comments for more details. *******PRICE******* Everyone: $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* 60年代脆皮雞白斬雞 https://maps.app.goo.gl/ELNTpXDu7bdXXYwR9

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mailto:taiwanhashhouseharriers@gmail.com?subject=TwH3 #2568 Inquiry

When & Where

August 25, 2024 (2:30 pm) – August 25, 2024 (6:00 pm)

白沙灣水域遊憩區 https://maps.app.goo.gl/AMwzp7ePcV4gZd5JA