#2565 - The Beat it to the Beach Run


2nd Man In and Dick Nugget with Ears were walking on the beach of Waiao, having a father-son bonding moment. “Oi, dad, can I have a few quid to go down to Seven for some crisps and a pack of fags, please?” asked Dick Nugget With Ears, Britishly. “Of course, mi hijo. I know you love smoking the gays, haha,” joked 2nd Man In, Mexicanly. “Oi, thanks bruv, ta!” replied Dick Nugget, running off. 2nd Man In could hear Lick a Slower Spick’s voice in his ear: “You’re going to have to tell him at some point.” “Si, mi vida, I know,” replied 2nd Man In, hanging up the phone and taking out his ear-buds. As Dick Nugget with Ears returned, 2nd Man In wanted some time alone, so he dismissed his manservant, Blacky. “I wish you’d stop calling me that,” said Shitty Rainbow, blacky-ly. 某天2nd man in 和Dick nugget with ears 在外澳的沙灘上漫步享受一些父子天倫時光 「拔~可以給我點摳摳去7-11買零嘴嗎?」 他講話不知道哪裡的英國鄉下口音超重,2nd man in 其實根本聽不懂他在說什麼 「你這臭小子就愛買菸抽,快點去!(掏錢)」 在他離開後2nd man in 的耳機裡傳來了Lick a slower Spick 的聲音「你總是要跟他說的,不能再拖了」 「好啦好啦哈尼我知道的」他回答 看著買完東西跑跳步回來的Dick nugget with ears ,2nd man in 支開了他的男僕shitty rainbow他決定要好好私下跟他兒子好好講講話 “Son, come here. Soon you will be haring a major run,” began 2nd Man In. “Innit tho? And I’m chuffed you’re gonna be my co-hare, bruv,” Englanded the Englishman. “I can’t understand a word you are saying,” said the Mexican, “but anyway, there is something I wanted to tell you first.” “Is it that I’m adopted?” asked Dick Nugget. “¿Qué? No, motherfucker, why would you think that?” asked 2nd Man In. “Because your ears are so much smaller than mine,” said Dick Nugget. “Most hashers can say that,” replied 2nd Man In. “And your dick is so much bigger than mine,” said Dick Nugget. “Most hashers can say that too,” replied 2nd Man In. No, motherfucker. I have something important to say. I want you to follow in your padre’s footsteps and become a GM” said the former GM. “Oi, nah, fuck off, mate, bruv, innit, govnah’, wankah,” teabagged the Limey, “I’ve seen what it’s done to Tiny Balls. I’m not doing that.” “Son, you were destined to be GM. This trail you made is incredible, with a bamboo forest and gorgeous views and even showers at the end. I’ve seen the GPX files, mi hijo: you have the makings of a true GM, motherfucker,” said el segundo hombre que entró. “Fuck you, fuck these languages, and fuck your story,” cried the translator, Tiny Bush. 2nd man in 「兒子呀, 很快的你就要做一條經典的路給大家跑,我很高興你這次可以當我的副兔」 Dick nugget with ears 「拔~偶也金開心」 2nd man in「你剛說什麼我完全聽不懂,但是我有件事一定要跟你說」 Dick nugget with ears 「我是領養來的嗎?」 突然口齒清晰了點 2nd man in「沒有啦你在說什麼屁話為什麼這麼想?」 Dick nugget with ears 「因為你的耳朵比我小很多」 2nd man in「呃⋯是這樣沒錯」 Dick nugget with ears 「而且你的雞雞也比我大很多」 2nd man in 「嗯⋯這也沒有錯, 不過這些都不是都不是我要說的啦! 我是要跟你說你即將要跟著我的腳步,成為Twh3 的下屆會長! 」 Dick nugget with ears 「偶才不要勒,人家看到小蛋蛋當會長累得嘎吶ㄍㄠˋ」 2nd man in 「看看這次的路! 有竹林有美景最後還可以洗澡! 這麼完美! 你注定要當會長的! 」興奮到接下來都開始說墨西哥話翻譯小編只好pass 了 ********WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Dick Nugget with Ears Cohare 副兔: 2nd Man In ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:B run / 路線:A to B L: 11K + 500m elevation gain S: 6.5K + 300m elevation gain *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, August 4, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Run Start (A Point) – Guishan Station 龜山火車站 https://maps.app.goo.gl/USnziDeEqdXUwukG6 ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take TRA train to Guishan Station Drivers: Go early and Park at B, then take a train to A B Point: Waiao Viewpoint 外澳觀景點 https://maps.app.goo.gl/dnCnT2vTbHzRZun2A *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* Drifters Pizza Pub 漂流者披薩吧 It’s Pizza Bash, you order and pay as you arrive to the place. They have the bucket of Mooseheah at a promotional price https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jz8NmB5nG1G56GQ4A

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When & Where

August 4, 2024 (2:30 pm) – August 4, 2024 (6:00 pm)

Run Start (A Point) – Guishan Station 龜山火車站 https://maps.app.goo.gl/USnziDeEqdXUwukG6