#2564 - The Taiwan Hash / Marvel Hash Joint Run


Fucking Sucks and his co-hare, Aww Aww Aww, had found a perfect trail for the Taiwan Hash / Marvel Hash joint run. All that remained was to get approval from the trailmasters. Fucking Sucks pulled out his cell phone and dialed up XiaoJiJi. -Wei, Ni Hao? This is XiaoJiJi. It means ‘fearless warrior’ in Chinese. -Fuck you! -Who is that? I can’t understand you. -Fuck you! -Is that you, Fucking Sucks? The signal is bad, where are you? -Fuck you! -Underground? Where? In the MRT? A cave? -Fuck you! -An abandoned mineshaft? That sounds spooky! This must be for the joint run, right? -Fuck you! Fuck you! -Haha, nice pun. What is it like down there? Lots of bats? Stalagmites from the ceilings? -Fuck you! -Ah yes, stalactites are from the ceiling, stalagmites from the ground. Thank you for correcting me. -Fuck you! Fuck you! -Yes, I share your concerns about the state of science education among the youth of today in the context of global environmental degradation and a reduced sense of civic stewardship, but let’s discuss that another time. Won’t running in an old mine be dangerous? What if something happens? What if the GM dies? -Fuck you! -Oh yeah, Tiny Balls will be GM. Okay, all good. How should we promote this run? -Fuck you! -A naked run? Great idea! -FUCK YOU!! -Are you sure you didn’t say that? I’m pretty sure I heard you recommend a naked run. -Fu. Ck. You! -Ok, fine. Any important details I should let the hashers know? -Fuck you! Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you? Fuck you! Fuck you. Fuck you? Fuck you!! -Yeah, don’t worry, I’ll explain it to them exactly as you told me. Thanks, Fucking Sucks! -Fuck you! 鬼月要來了!髒東西和他的副兔 Aww Aww Aww找了一條超棒的路要跟Twh3 弄個媽佛hash聯合跑 ,他只需要打個電話跟會長確認一下細節,他拿出手機打給小雞雞 小雞雞: 哈囉你好 我是小雞雞,小雞雞的意思其實是「無懼的領導」如果你不知道的話 髒東西: Fuck you! 小雞雞: 你是誰呀?我聽不太清楚 髒東西: Fuck you! 小雞雞: 髒東西是你嗎? 這裡訊號好差唷你在哪呀? 髒東西: Fuck you ! 小雞雞:你在地下室? 捷運? 還是地下坑洞? 髒東西: Fuck you ! 小雞雞: 廢棄的礦坑? 聽起來好陰森呀! 這次媽佛聯合特跑一定會很讚! 髒東西: Fuck you Fuck you ! 小雞雞: 哈哈哈愛說笑欸你! 那邊看起來如何? 很多蝙蝠嗎? 上面是不是長很多石筍? 髒東西: Fuck you ! 小雞雞: 對吼石筍長在地下上面的是鐘乳石啦謝謝你糾正我 髒東西:Fuck you Fuck you ! 小雞雞: 嗯嗯嗯 教育真的是要從小做起現在小朋友上課都不好好學地理石灰岩洞這種東西以前學校都有教,拉回重點啦這次的路線跑坑洞不會危險嗎? GM出了什麼意外怎麼辦? 髒東西: Fuck you ! 小雞雞: 對吼那週我不是GM ,小蛋蛋才是,那就不管了。我們要怎麼宣傳呢? 髒東西: Fuck you ! 小雞雞: 裸跑唷? 髒東西: FUCK YOU 小雞雞:你確定嗎我真的聽到你說裸跑 髒東西: F U C K Y O U! 小雞雞: 好啦好啦 還有什麼要注意的嗎? 髒東西: -Fuck you! Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you? Fuck you! Fuck you. Fuck you? Fuck you!! 小雞雞: 好歐我會一字不漏的轉達! 謝啦髒東西! 髒東西: Fuck you ! ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Fucking Sucks Cohare 副兔: Aww Aww Aww ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 7km + 350m elevation gain Bring a headlamp! We will go through a cave *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, July 28, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Houtong Miner’s Culture & History Museum 經濟部地質及礦場文化推廣教室猴硐展區(原礦工文史館) https://maps.app.goo.gl/HBCx8cBDmxBHBNgF9

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mailto:taiwanhashhouseharriers@gmail.com?subject=TwH3 #2564 Inquiry

When & Where

July 28, 2024 (2:30 pm) – July 28, 2024 (6:00 pm)

Houtong Miner’s Culture & History Museum 經濟部地質及礦場文化推廣教室猴硐展區(原礦工文史館)