#2562 - The Chasing Waterfalls Run


Fisting King was at the base of Stegosaurus ridge, twiddling his thumbs and occasionally sniffing them. Finally, Cherry Popper showed up, trailed as always by a group of new Metro Hashers. “Shoo, virgins, shoo!” he said, then turned to Fisting King. “HaoJiuBuJian” they said, and shook hands. “Uh, why are your fingers red?” asked Fisting King. “Oh, that’s red food coloring for the flour,” said Cherry Popper, “but why are your fingers brown?” “Oh, that’s mud from the slippery trail,” said Fisting King. “What’s fisting mean again?” asked translator Tiny Bush. Um… Well, when a man loves a… Hmm, do you know how after you eat a lot of…. Er, I’ll tell you when you’re older. 有一天Fisting King 在劍龍嶺底下無聊地繞著大拇指,偶爾還會聞聞自己的手指。然後,Cherry Popper 出現了,身後跟著一群新的 Metro hash成員。 “走開,你們這些第一次來跑步的傢伙,走開!” 他說,然後轉向 Fisting King。“好久不見。”他們說道,握了握手。“呃,你的手指為什麼是紅色的?”Fisting King 問道。“哦,那是用來撒麵粉的紅色食用色素。”Cherry Popper 回答道,“但你的手指為什麼是棕色的?”“哦,那是滑溜溜的小徑上的泥巴。”Fisting King 說道。 “那‘fisting 是什麼意思?”負責翻譯的 Tiny Bush 問道。嗯……當一個男人愛上了一個……嗯,你知道當你吃了很多……呃,算了,等你長大了再告訴你。 The two hares have created a challenging run for us. Some vanilla hashers would call it sadistic, but others are into that, so don’t judge. “Wait, what does this have to do with cherries?” asked Tiny Bush, innocently. I’ll tell you later. Anyway, as with all the best runs, it requires a bus to reach, but you won’t be disappointed. Fitting for summer, there will be watersports, but our hares are going all extra. Forget river tracing, you’ll be going swimming! Forget looking at waterfalls, you’ll be jumping off one! A 6 meter drop into said swimming hole, weather permitting. Afraid of heights or can’t swim? A team of volunteers with life vests has been promised to take care of you! Else, you can take the short. [In all seriousness, there will be a cut-off time after which you should not take the long, so that they won’t have to be out there all night waiting for walkers.] 這兩位先鋒邊聊天邊設計了一條極具挑戰性的路線。一些普通的hashers 可能會稱它為虐待狂路線,但其他人喜歡這樣,所以不要急著批判。“你的兔名Cherry popper是什麼意思呀?”Tiny Bush 天真地問。 Cherry popper 說:我以後再告訴你你先聽我說。我們這條路和所有最好的路線一樣,需要坐巴士才能到達,但你不會失望。現在是夏天,會有讓大家下水的活動讓你濕到爽,而且我們的路會更瘋狂。不只是溯溪,我們要去游泳!看瀑布? 不!你們要從瀑布跳下去!如果天氣允許,會有6米高的跳水。害怕高處或者不會游泳?有一支志工隊伍提供救生衣來照顧你! 如果太害怕,沒問題,你可以走捷徑。 認真,我們會有一個截止時間,超過時間跑太慢的都請走短路、這樣我們就不必整夜痴痴的等你回來。] While I’m sure Cherry Popper will bring plenty of old and new Metro Hashers with him, let’s pack that party bus and show this outsider GM that Taiwan Hash can take any trail, no matter how long or hard! “Oh, that’s a sex joke! I understood that one,” said Tiny Bush. 雖然我確信 Cherry Popper 會帶很多老的少的 Metro hashers 過來,但讓我們twh3 的大家踴躍參加擠滿這輛派對巴士,向這位外來GM展示TWH3能跑任何路,無論多長多硬! “哦,又長又硬!這個我聽懂了。”Tiny Bush 說道。 ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Cherry Popper Cohare 副兔: Fisting King ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A L: 7.5k 400m S: 5k 250m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024 Time: Hares off at 13:00 兔子會在下午一點開始 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Nan Ya Yugang Parking https://maps.app.goo.gl/e4ELvWFBjk6wt1ur7

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When & Where

July 14, 2024 (1:00 pm) – July 14, 2024 (6:00 pm)

Nan Ya Yugang Parking