#2561 - The Se7en Shiggy Sins Run


Back from the land of Hobbits and Orcs, Slobbo Tamer has returned to Taiwan to tame a different kind of animal, and I’m not talking about TeenVolf either. I’m talking about Taiwan Hash and our two GMs’ penchant for, hmm, shall we say, homoerotic down-downs? Not that there’s anything wrong with that! And far be it for Slobbo Tamer, of all people, to condemn public nudity, drunkenness, or indecency of any kind! On the contrary, she’s actually angry that XiaoJiJi and Tiny Balls have been doing all this debauchery without her! Carrying kiwis between your buttcheeks? That was her idea! That’s a New Zealand thing! You’re appropriating Maori culture, XiaoJiJi! Slobbo Tamer 從哈比人和半獸人及其他奇妙生物的國度回來了,她這次回來是要馴服其他的珍奇異獸, 我可不是在說她老公少年郎 Teen volf , 我是在說我們TwH3 兩隻禽獸不如的 GM 小雞雞和小蛋蛋,她對他們兩個很 gay 的噹噹很有意見,不是什麼不喜歡或恐同,她其實最愛當眾脫衣及各種下流的噹噹,她只是生氣自己都不在無法參與,用屁股夾奇異果? 那可是她的主意!根本就是偷濫用她們毛利人的傳統文化! So Slobbo Tamer has arranged a test: this week, the run starts and ends at a temple, and that means hashers will have to be on their best behavior. Drinking and noise is fine, obviously, but no sexually charged down-downs. No sneaky nuts. No throwing eggs. No standing around with your backs to the idols. And no nudity, Just Gay: your prominent nipples are an affront to the gods, so keep them covered. Do this, and your reward is a gorgeous trail fit for the purest of angels. 所以這週 Slobbo Tamer 為我們準備了一個挑戰,我們的跑步起終點都在一間很棒的廟,可以沖澡可以上廁所可以吵鬧,但是廟方說不可以露奶頭露屌露屁股不可以上空對著神明! Just Gay 聽到了沒!最好把你那性感的酮體給我蓋好!只要你遵守這些規定完成挑戰(挑戰穿好衣服而已很簡單)你的獎賞就是超棒的路線及跑步喝酒的快樂! Of course, once you leave the temple grounds, all restrictions are off. That includes on the run, too! Go nuts! Eat an entire cheesecake on trail with gluttony! Push everyone out of your way with greed! Curse out the race-ist asshole who pushed you with wrath! Whip out your cock with pride, or don’t with envy. Take the short with sloth. As for lust… um… golly, I can’t think of anything that involves lust. Perhaps someone can show me on the trail? 當然, 一離開廟的領土你要幹嘛就幹嘛!發揮你的想像力!邊跑邊吃整個起司蛋糕!怒罵那個跑步時推你的沒品人!脫褲子掏出你的老二邊跑邊甩!還是跑到一半去做些色色的事(羞)什麼是色色?也許兔子可以幫我們示範一下 ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Slobbo Tamer Cohare 副兔: TeenVolf ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A S: 6km + 250m elevation L: 7km + 300m elevation *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, July 7, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Xiaopingding 三慈宮 https://maps.app.goo.gl/8aWQHrrBbu8CXKidA ******HOW? / 怎去******* Taxi pool from Beitou or Fuxinggang Station OR Bus 631 from Beitou or Qiyan Station, get off at Pingding Fude Temple stop and follow flour for 5 minutes *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* 小坪頂土雞農家菜 0286263098 https://maps.app.goo.gl/7UmHv88TeFuJZUSC9

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When & Where

July 7, 2024 (2:30 pm) – July 7, 2024 (6:00 pm)

Xiaopingding 三慈宮