#2557 - The 69 Run!


Loves Two Swallows was under a lot of pressure for his first time as main hare. What kind of run will be worthy of being held on 6/9? (hehe, 69.) What kind of bash will run long and hard enough for people who don’t have to work on Dragon Boat Monday? How many back checks can he fit into one trail? 27? That sounds good. Who can co-hare? Precock? None of Loves Two Swallows’ coworkers agreed when he asked them, so it will have to be Precock. Loves Two Swallows 第一次擔任主兔,承受了很大的壓力。什麼樣的路線值得在6/9 舉行?(呵呵,69) 什麼樣的 bash 才能玩得持久,讓那些不需要在週一的端午節工作的人,盡興一把? 一條路線,最多可以塞入多少個回馬槍 back checks? 27個?聽起來不錯。 誰能擔當副兔?Precock ? 當 Loves Two Swallows 問他的同事們時,沒有一個人同意,所以副兔必須是Precock。 The one question he knew the answer to is the location. A great spot at Xizhi, sure, but there’s another purpose. It all started long ago. Loves Two Swallows was river tracing, when he saw a phoenix on the shore, with big titties. “Help me, stranger, and I shall grant you a wish… as long as the wish is to play with my titties.” Loves Two Swallows rushed over, taking off his shirt to carry the small creature to safety. He took her home, nursed her to health, washed her, clothed her, paid for her education. By the time she got her masters degree and went off with her fiance to a new job in Yunlin, he had forgotten about the big titties, and also realized he left his shirt at the river. 主兔對這次的亂唯一確定的只有一個, 起跑點。 那是位於汐止一處很棒的據點,當然,還有其他的目的,這一切源自於很久以前⋯⋯ Loves Two Swallows 在溯溪時,看到岸邊有一隻奶子很大的鳳凰喊著:「幫幫我,陌生人!我會回報你一個願望,只要你的願望是玩我的奶子。」 Loves Two Swallows 衝了過去,脫掉襯衫,把這隻可憐的小動物抱到安全的地方,把她帶回家、照護她的健康,幫她洗澡、穿上衣服,還支付學費讓她上學。 等到她完成碩士學位時,她跟她的未婚夫為了一個新工作搬去了雲林,而 Loves Two Swallows 完全忘了玩她的奶子這回事,而且想起來,他把襯衫丟在那天的溪邊。 And so, this 6/9 (hehe, titties), Taiwan Hash has a mission: catch the hare, find his shirt, and get too drunk to remember any of it! 所以,這週 69 亂(呵呵,奶子) 台灣健龍有個任務,抓到這隻主兔、找到他的襯衫,然後醉到通通都不記得! ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Loves Two Swallows Cohare 副兔: Precock ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 8km + 350m elevation *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, June 9, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* 千里達企業有限公司 https://maps.app.goo.gl/XKrWqTgnCw5LPxvP9 ******HOW? / 怎去******* MRT to Dahu Park Station and take bus S3 to Xingshan Temple *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* BBQ on site! Provided by the hares

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mailto:taiwanhashhouseharriers@gmail.com?subject=TwH3 #2557 Inquiry

When & Where

June 9, 2024 (2:30 pm) – June 9, 2024 (6:00 pm)

千里達企業有限公司 https://maps.app.goo.gl/XKrWqTgnCw5LPxvP9