#2552 - The Return of the King Run


Hey hashers, shut the fuck up! It’s me, Tiny Balls, your favorite GM, back to taking over the hash after letting XiaoJiJi bore you for a month with his dull jokes and uninspired namings! I’m also taking over writing the hash story this week, and all I had to do was promise Praying for Man Tits that I’d deliver all my down-downs this whole month wearing nothing but a tiny G-string, which I am totally willing to do because my JiJi is really big, just so you know. They should call me DaJiJi. Or FeiChangDaJiJi. Or maybe World’s Best GM. Those are all totally appropriate hash names for me. Also my mom says my balls are cute and totally normal for boys my size. 捷兔們,注意!你最喜歡的Tiny Balls 即將回歸,XiaoJiJi 用他無聊的笑話和毫無靈感的名字讓你厭煩了一個月之後,五月開始,我將重新接管台灣健龍! 我也接手了這週跑步的活動文案,並且答應 Praying for Man Tits,我這個月在噹噹的歡樂時光,只會穿一條丁字褲,我完全願意這樣做,因爲這樣你們才會知道,我的 XX 真的很大。我應該正名為大JiJi 或非常大JiJi,World’s Best GM 也可以啦!這些都是非常適合我的兔名,而且我媽媽也說我的球球很可愛,對於像我這麼大的男孩來說,球球的尺寸完全正常。 Anyway, I know you’re all excited to have me as GM again, but enough about how awesome I am. Let’s talk about this upcoming run! Hares Sexy Chicken and Dick You have set up a great trail for us, just like all the trails I am GM for, except Maple Semen’s run; but that honestly should have been a XiaoJiJi run, we just changed it around, so it’s all his fault. This trail is going to have runnable parts, nature parts, and runnable nature parts. The bash will be pizza, because I said so and I’m the GM! Then Dick You said… um… something funny about dicks? And Sexy Chicken is going to… fuck a rooster? Whatever, these stories are dumb anyway. I’d write a better one, but I’m too busy being the best GM ever. So much better than XiaoJiJi. And better looking. And a faster runner. And faster at sex. I mean, better, better at sex, not faster. But not too slow. The best speed of sex having. That’s me. I totally have sex. With real women. They all said that I’m the best GM. 總之,我知道你們對於我的回歸期待已久,但對我來說,我有多棒的本身,就足夠了。讓我們來談談即將到來的跑步吧! Sexy Chicken(周青)和 Dick You(Natasha)將爲我們開闢一條偉大的跑道,就跟我當 GM 任內的所有路線一樣讚,除了 Maple Semen 那次,但老實說,那次跑步原本應該是 XiaoJiJi 負責的,我們只是交換一下,所以這都是 XiaoJiJi 的錯。 這週的路線包含可跑性的路、天然的野徑,以及可跑性的天然野徑。 Bash 將是披薩野餐,因爲 GM 說的算! 副兔 Dick You 說… 小雞雞有什麼好笑的嗎?Sexy Chicken要 OOXX?無論如何,這些故事都是愚蠢的。我會寫一個更好的,但是我太忙於成爲史上最好的 GM。 比 XiaoJiJi 好多了,而且我更帥、跑得更快、性方面也是…我的意思是更好、更擅長,而不是更快。但也不要太慢,性生活的最佳速度,由我定義,我會和真正的女人滾床單,她們都說我是最好的GM。 So, yeah, come celebrate my triumphant return as your fearless leader this May, and stick around for four weeks of me, my best jokes, my funnest games, and my red Hawaiian shirt. Oh, wait, I said I would only wear the G-string, didn’t I? Which I will definitely do, because I’m the best GM with the biggest JiJi who keeps my promises, and I totally look awesome in a thong. Just in case, though, is there a way out of this? Let me check the contract. …fuck. Fuck!! Why did I sign this? Why did I sign it in cum? Who are the witnesses… All the other GMs in Taiwan? Why did they sign it in cum!? Who knew being the best GM ever would be so hard? 所以,五月的第一個週日,來歡慶你們無所畏懼的噹噹主持人,用我最好的笑話、我最有趣的遊戲,還有我的紅色夏威夷襯衫。哦,等等,我有說我只穿丁字褲,對吧?我肯定會這樣做,因爲我是最好的GM,以最大的JiJi 承諾,而且穿上丁字褲,我看起來超棒的。 不過,以防萬一,讓我檢查一下合同。他X的!我爲什麼要簽這週?在全臺灣的Hash GM 們的見證之下?他們爲什麼要簽署連帶保證!? 天知道成爲有史以來最好的GM會如此困難?? ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Sexy Chicken Cohare 副兔: BH3 GM & Dick You ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A L: 8.5km / 450m elevation gain S: 5.5km / 350m elevation gain *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, May 5, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Dagouxi Waterfront Park 大溝溪生態治水園區 https://maps.app.goo.gl/BY6rw6wv6z3n5taD9 ******HOW? / 怎去******* MRT: Exit 1 of Dahu Park Station, walk 850m Parking: Parking is available at Dahu Park Station 捷運:大湖公園站一號出口,步行850m 停車:大湖公園站可停車� *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* No Bash. Pizza will be ordered on the day. 無,吃Pizza,當天統計人數

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When & Where

May 5, 2024 (2:30 pm) – May 5, 2024 (6:00 pm)

Dagouxi Waterfront Park 大溝溪生態治水園區 https://maps.app.goo.gl/BY6rw6wv6z3n5taD9