#2543 - The Three's Cum-pany Run


“Enter,” said a voice behind the door. Maple Semen and Just LuLuMe pushed the heavy wooden door and entered the tribunal chamber / sex dungeon of the TwH3 Committee, formerly Redpoint Taproom. “You wanted to see us?” asked Maple Semen, wiping his sap-covered hands on his denim suit. “Yes,” said 2nd Man In, “we are having problems with your proposals for the Double Three Run. Like this one, on Shiding Street? There’s too many stairs.” “Stairs, stairs…” said LuLuMe, creepily. “What’s wrong with stairs?” asked Maple Semen. “Everything is wrong with stairs!” said Supercalifragilisticexpialidome. “We can’t have hashers go all the way to Shiding and face a kilometer of stairs. What will the retards at Hsinchu hash say?” 「進來吧!」聲音從門後響起。 Maple Semen 和Just LuLuMe 推開沉重的木門,進入了台灣健龍委員會的特別法庭/性地牢,前身爲Redpoint Taproom。 「你想見我們?」Maple Semen問,在他的牛仔服上擦拭他沾滿汁液的手。 「 是的。」2nd Man In 回答:「我們對你們提出的雙三跑計畫有疑慮。就像這個,在石碇老街嗎?階梯太多了!」 「階梯,階梯…」LuLuMe怯生生地說。 「階梯怎麼了?」Maple Semen問。 「只要是階梯,一切都有問題!」Supercalifragilisticexpialidome說。 「我們不能讓捷兔們大老遠跑來石碇,跑他媽一公里的上坡樓梯。新竹hash的那堆智障會怎麼說我們?」 “Your trails all have the same problem,” said Toasted Taint, “Dakeng, Yangmingshan… Elephant Mountain?” LuLuMe giggled, “Stairs, heh heh, Staaaiiirs.” “Not acceptable,” said BBC, “and what about this one, the one in Xinyi? Why is it 0km distance, 1km elevation?” “Oh, that’s the Taipei 101,” said Maple Semen, “500 meters up the stairs one way, 500 meters down the other.” “Stairs, STAIRS! Hee hee, so many pretty stairs, hee hee,” laughed a crazed LuLuMe, jumping up and down and touching herself. Toasted Taint 發言:「你的路線都有同樣的問題,大坑、陽明山…還有象山?」 LuLuMe 咯咯地笑:「都是階梯,呵呵!階~梯。」 BBC說:「無法接受!還有這是什麼,信義區的這條路線,為什麼海拔1公里,距離只有0公里?」 Maple Semen回答:「噢!那是臺北101,直上500加直下500。 」 「階梯~階梯!嘿嘿,好多美妙的階梯,嘿嘿。」LuLuMe 瘋狂地笑,摸著自己,跳來跳去。 “I have a solution,” said 2nd Man In, “which is still in Shiding, but a little south, skipping the stairs and cutting through farmland instead. Hashers love farms.” “Farms, FARMS” said XiaoJiJi, “so many animals cocks!” “All in favor?” asked Tiny Balls. All present raised their hands yes. “Then it’s settled, but I’m curious, LuLuMe: why do you like stairs so much?” LuLuMe stopped vibrating and replied: “In Taiwan, people go down stairs. But in Taiwan Hash, stairs go down on you!” 「我有一個解決辦法。還是石碇亂,但靠南方些,省略掉那些階梯,直接從農地切。捷兔們喜歡!」2nd Man In 提議。 小雞雞開心道:「農場~農場!會有很多動物的雞雞!」 小蛋蛋問:「大家都贊成嗎?」所有在場的人都舉起了手,一致通過。「那麽這件事情就解決了!但我很好奇,為什麼LuLuMe 妳那麼喜歡階梯?」 LuLuMe 停止擺動,回答說:「對於一般人,上下階梯只是腿部運動,但跑台灣健龍,階梯還可以輔助你訓練口腔肌群。」 Important info from the hares: Not Pet Friendly Bring cash for drinks half way down the mountain and Maqaw Sausage stop “Long” closes at 15:45. Bring gloves (optional). The long has a bit of rope grabbing and climbing in steep terrain, not recommended for the weaklings Super fun trail, under 200m elevation of stairs ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Maple Semen Cohare 副兔: Just LuLuMe ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A S: 6.2km + Elevation 430m L: 9km + Elevation 736m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, March 3, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Down the road from Shiding Old Street https://maps.app.goo.gl/9ejn6W2tg4sMgZmd8?g_st=ic ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take the 666 bus from Muzha MRT (brown line) to Shiding Old Street OR Take the 679 bus from Nangang Exhibition Center MRT (blue line) and transfer to bus 666 at Shenkeng Elementary School. Get off at Shiding Old Street *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* 驛站小吃 0226631652 https://maps.app.goo.gl/dSjkpVksHggm1zwr9

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When & Where

March 3, 2024 (2:00 pm) – March 3, 2024 (6:00 pm)

Down the road from Shiding Old Street https://maps.app.goo.gl/9ejn6W2tg4sMgZmd8?g_st=ic