#2541 – Hot Times, Hot Springs, Hot Chicken
Deep in a tunnel connecting all the banks and taxation bureaus in Taipei, a sign warns unaware pilgrims: “Abandon all faith of winning an argument and just say ‘yes, dear.'” Unfazed, Dump-N-Run made his way through the glittering depths and approached the golden altar by which one may attempt to communicate with the Root of All of Evil. He left an offering of a wad of cash and a designer bag, and spoke into the deep pit in the end of the cavern. “Sorry I’m late; I was in the can. We’re out of toilet paper, by the way.” A low grumble emerged from the gas-belching void. 在連結台北所有銀行和稅務局的隧道深處,一個標誌警告著無知的朝聖者,拋棄你必須贏得爭辯的信仰,只要說:「是的,親愛的!」Dump-N-Run不慌不忙地穿過閃閃發光的深處,走近金色的祭壇,在那裏人們可以嘗試與所有邪惡的根源交流。 作為供品,他留下一疊鈔票和一個名牌包,並向著坑道的盡頭喊道:「抱歉,遲到了,我剛蹲完茅坑。順便一提,那邊沒有廁紙。」一股低沉的嘟咕聲從噴着氣體的空隙中冒出來。 Dump-N-Run continued: “Oh unholy matron, mother of demons, darling wife, I have come to ask you to co-hare my run.” A guttural growl meant the Beast was not interested. “It’s at Yangmingshan, near Qi Ku hot spring. I know how much you love the smell of sulfur!” The pit moaned, unconvinced. “It’s going to be the Winter Hash Olympics, so there will be gold medals. Well, not real gold…” Nearby fumaroles hissed, echoing *her* displeasure. “Umm… hares get free beer?” A growing roar meant Dump-N-Run was running out of time. “Oh! And the bash place has roast chicken! Not cold chicken, but hot! The best roast chicken in Taipei!” Dump-N-Run 繼續禱告:「噢!邪惡的看守者,萬惡之母,我的愛妻!我來尋求妳的同謀,擔任我的副兔吧。」 一聲粗嘎的低吼代表她對於這個提議沒什麼興趣。 「路徑在陽明山上,而且接近七窟溫泉,我知道妳有多愛硫磺味!」 坑洞內傳來嗚咽聲,她還沒有被說服。 「這將是捷兔的冬季奧運,所以肯定有金牌,好吧,那不算真黃金。」 噴氣孔嘶嘶作響,附和她的不滿。 「嗯…那兔子有免費啤酒呢?」「對了,餐廳還有烤雞可以吃!」「是熱食!不是冷凍食品,而且是整個台北最好吃的烤雞!」快沒時間越來越急的Dump-N-Run,聲調開始變急促和大聲。 Silence. Then a voice could be heard from the abyss. “Chicken? Chicken! CHICKEN!!” Suddenly, there was the crash of something unfathomably large and unspeakably ancient moving across a hoard of coins, and rose from the void, the Abomination covered in gold scales and old hash t-shirts. The earth shook. The stock market turned volatile. One gaze upon her indescribable form can drain one’s sanity as quickly as one’s bank account. “ChIcKeN!! cHiCkEn!! ChIcKeNnNn!!” “Yes, my dear, yes! Chicken for all the hashers!” shouted Dump-N-Run, triumphant in the face of the undying horror that he had summoned. They say the price of bitcoin fell 6.66% that night. 時間彷彿靜止。 下一秒,從深不可測的的洞穴傳來回音:「烤雞?烤雞!烤雞!!!」一個女人從古老錢幣堆裏,探出頭,錢幣山瞬間崩塌,轟天動地。這邪惡的女人身披黃金的鱗片,還穿著一件古老的捷兔T恤。 只是盯著她看,就足以讓人理智斷線,彷彿看到銀行存款。因為召喚出這邪惡的根源,Dump-N-Run亢奮的吶喊:「是的!親愛的,妳沒聽錯!大家一起吃烤雞。」 聽說這一晚,比特幣跌蕩6.66%。 EDIT: Root of All Evil has been summoned for a satanic investment bankers quarterly meeting, so Micro Nuts will cohare instead. What he sold his soul to her for is anyone’s guess. EDITED** Free bash for people on 2023 Xmas Party list (in comments below), or hashers who’ve hared in the last 12 months – Cheers to the hares!** 修改的**在2023Xmas Party免費的名單或是12個月内當過兔子可以免費bash – 謝謝兔子!! ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Dump-N-Run Cohare 副兔: Micro Nuts ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A TBD *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, February 18, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Qi Ku Restaurant 七窟餐廳 https://maps.app.goo.gl/sfhqGJN7hkpP3J9E9 ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take S25 from Beitou MRT or S36 from Shipai to Shamao Bridge 1 stop, then walk a bit. 搭公車(小25或是小36)到紗帽橋一公車站。 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* Qi Ku Restaurant (七窟餐廳) 0228611135 https://maps.app.goo.gl/hbDWG7XiVa1ZFb6q8
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mailto:taiwanhashhouseharriers@gmail.com?subject=TwH3 #2541 Inquiry
When & Where
February 18, 2024 (2:00 pm) – February 18, 2024 (6:00 pm)
Qi Ku Restaurant 七窟餐廳 https://maps.app.goo.gl/sfhqGJN7hkpP3J9E9