#2539 – The United Federation of Hashers Republic Run / 捷兔聯合國之亂
Taiwan Hash prides itself on its international membership, but are we international enough? That was the question being discussed at a donut shop at Taoyuan International Airport’s arrival hall. After a long time away from Taiwan, 8 Foot Facial (Germany) and Cockeretcha (one of the Mexicos, the drug one) met there by chance and soon began complaining over their crullers and coffee. 台灣健龍以擁有不同國籍的捷兔們自豪,但我們足夠國際化了嗎?某天在桃園國際機場內,這個疑問被認真的提出來討論。離開台灣良久、最近返台的德國的 8 Foot Facial 和來自墨西哥(其中販毒最有名的)的 Cockeretcha 在入境大廳的甜甜圈店偶然相遇。沒多久,他們就開始邊抱怨、邊大啖甜甜圈和咖啡。 “Taivan Hash is too vanilla!” said 8 Foot Facial, licking the glaze off a glazed donut. “It is like sex without ze whipping and ze degradation. It’s barely titillating.” “Si, I agree,” said Cockeretcha, snorting the powder off a powdered donut. “Dónde están los boobie checks? Los fishhooks? La singing?” “VE DO NOT SING HERE!” shouted 8 Foot Facial, slamming her fist into a boston cream donut such that its contents sprayed all over her face. “Scheisse, vy does that keep happening? Regardless, you are right. Ve should do something about that.” 「台灣健龍太純愛了!」8 Foot Facial 舔掉甜甜圈上面的那層彩餡說:「這就像沒有鞭打和凌辱的性愛,一點都不刺激。」 Cockeretcha 邊附和:「沒錯!」邊用鼻子一吸,把甜甜圈上的白粉都給吸掉了,並喊道:「都沒有什麼特殊的 checks?回馬槍?還他媽的給我唱歌?」 「他X的,我們才不唱歌!」8 Foot Facial 激動的喊:「真的不能這樣放任下去,我們要好好處理一下!」一個拳頭砸在波士頓奶油甜甜圈,以致滿滿的乳白內餡都噴在他的臉上。 “Okay, this might be a bit loca en la cabeza, but I have an idea” said a hyper Cockeretcha, setting up lines of rainbow sprinkles on the table. “Why don’t we introduce Taiwan Hash to International Hash rules? We’ll use the standard international signs, and add some of the special checks used in other countries.” “Oh, how wunderbar!” said 8 Foot Facial. “We can introduce them to ze salmon, ze checkbacks, and ze Schlangensaugenprüfpunkt. I shall contact ze trailmasters,” she said and bit into another donut, then immediately put it down. “Um, vy is there a condom filled with uncut gems inside my Bavarian creme?” “Oh, that’s for my brother, I’ll just take that,” said Cockeretcha, swallowing it whole. 「好!我有一個主意,但這可能有點腦袋進水的瘋狂。」亢奮的Cockeretcha邊用卡片把彩虹糖粒分成一條一條排在桌子準備要吸,邊說:「為何不向台灣健龍介紹國際化的捷兔規則?我們來用點國際性的標誌,再加上一些其他國家使用的特殊記號。」 8 Foot Facial 讚不絕口:「我來聯絡台灣健龍的路線組,我們可以介紹他們鮭魚啦、蛇眼啦、德式回馬槍、&@$$?!*%…這些我們在國外玩的 hash 標誌。」邊說邊發現他正要放進嘴裡的巴戈利亞奶油甜甜圈裡有一個填滿原鑽的保險套。 「啊,那是給我兄弟準備的,給我吧!」Cockeretcha一說完,就把整個套套吞下去。 EDIT: Cockeretcha has to go on a legitimate business trip delivering powdered sugar to Miami, so Hamburg whoremonger Just Leon will take her place for some efficient, German co-haring. 編按:原副兔 Cockeretcha 必須出差邁阿密,談些合法的白粉運輸生意,所以來自漢堡的皮條客 Just Leon 將替補副兔上陣,期待他好好發揮德國人的效率! ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: 8 Foot Facial Cohare 副兔: Just Leon ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 7.2 km + Elevation: 100 m / 爬升: 100 m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, February 4, 2024 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* 新店東聖宮 https://maps.app.goo.gl/sHgoVBjwGuz5Fhgh9?g_st=ic ******HOW? / 怎去******* bus 849 from Xindian, only 25min, get off gas station stop, walk 2min to on start 從新店捷運站搭公車849,只要25分鐘到「加油站」下車,再走兩分鐘就到了! *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* 烏來新福山烤雞甕仔雞 https://maps.app.goo.gl/3iwDK4rApCvWvvyL7
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mailto:taiwanhashhouseharriers@gmail.com?subject=TwH3 #2539 Inquiry
When & Where
February 4, 2024 (2:00 pm) – February 4, 2024 (6:00 pm)
新店東聖宮 https://maps.app.goo.gl/sHgoVBjwGuz5Fhgh9?g_st=ic