#2532 – The Red Dress Run 2023/2023 紅洋裝慈善特跑
Hash House History! In 1988, a San Diego hasher named The Lady in Red (who may or may not have been a lady, but it’s 2023 now so who isn’t a lady?) suggested a run where everyone wears a red dress. This was the first and perhaps only time a hasher had a genuinely good idea, and the popped cherry on the red velvet cake was that the run was for charity! Now it’s become an annual Hash tradition worldwide, and Taiwan Hash is no exception. So this Sunday, guys and gals and all in between should get their crimson camisoles and scarlet slips, and open their legs…I mean, wallets for our wonderful charities! 關於Hash的歷史,在1988年的聖地亞哥有一位名叫「紅衣女郎」的hasher提出一個建議,讓大家一起穿上紅色洋裝起跑,響應慈善! (她可能是女士,也可能不是女士,但現在是2023年,所以誰不是女士呢?) 這場處女亂是第一次,也許也是唯一一次 hasher有一個真正的好主意,如今,紅洋裝慈善特跑已成爲全世界一年一度的Hash傳統,當然Taiwan Hash也不例外。 這個禮拜天,男孩、女孩以及中間性別的人們,穿上你們的紅色洋裝,並打開你們的大腿…… 我是指,為了這一場美好的慈善特跑、邁開你們的腳步(打開你們的錢包)。 We are currently deciding between Harmony Home Foundation, a charity that takes care of people living with HIV and children abandoned by foreigners who left Taiwan (because you know a deported hasher or three is probably responsible for a few of both), and the Taiwan Hand Angels, a charity that provides sexual services to people too severely disabled to jerk off themselves (because that’s a real thing!, and it’s how Mexican Handjob will spend his GM retirement). So let’s all dress our best, and give a happy hand to our hares, Fucking Me and Sucky Fucky 5 Dollars… which is a steal compared to what the Hand Angels charge! 目前我們決定幫助兩個慈善機構「台灣關愛之家」和「台灣手天使」,一個是長期關注愛滋感染者、懷孕移工婦女以及遭受遺棄的非本國籍孩童的慈善基金會(https://www.twhhf.org),一個是協助重度身障人士性權服務的行動組織( https://www.handangel.org) 這是大家比較少談論,卻真實存在的議題!而我們即將卸任的會長-墨西哥手工活(Mexican Handjob)也將投身他的專長於其中。 讓我們精心打扮、穿上最好的紅洋裝,為慈善伸出快樂的援手,來當兩位兔子Fucking Me 和 Sucky Fucky 5 Dollars的天使,這比擔任手天使容易多了! ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Fucking Me Cohare 副兔: Sucky Fucky 5 Dollars ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 7 km + Elevation: 200 m / 爬升: 200 m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, December 17, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Xiangshan Park 象山公園 https://maps.app.goo.gl/GHcQQgC8MLKvXruU9 ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take the red line MRT to Xiangshan Station and follow signs for Exit 2. 捷運紅線「象山站」,2號出口後有兔子做的標記,沿著走即可。 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* 船鼎海鮮創作料理 0227202980 https://maps.app.goo.gl/hEPCGsAnHw441F2x5
When & Where
December 17, 2023 (2:00 pm) – December 17, 2023 (6:00 pm)
Xiangshan Park 象山公園 https://maps.app.goo.gl/GHcQQgC8MLKvXruU9