#2521 - The League of Extraordinary Hashers Run / 非凡hasher聯盟亂


Deep underground, beneath the mansions of the slums of Tianmu, lies the secret cave lair of Taipei’s famous superhero duo: the caped crusader Steel Asshole, and his partner in crime-fighting, Xiao Nai Nai. Here they practiced their martial art, Iron Colon, and maintained their elaborate collections of justice-dispensing vehicles: the ass-mobile, ass-plane, ass-copter, ass-jetski, ass-SR-71 Blackbird, ass-solid-gold-rocket-scooter, and xiaonainai-ice cream cart. They hadn’t actually caught any criminals yet, but they spared no expense in getting ready to maybe do that 隱藏在天母貧民窟的地下深處,有著台北著名超級英雄雙人組的秘密巢穴:斗篷十字軍鋼門和他的打擊犯罪搭檔小奶奶。 在這裡,他們練習了武術“鐵結腸術”,並時常保養他們精心收藏的正義車輛:屁屁機車、屁屁飛機、屁屁直升機、屁屁噴射艇、屁屁SR-71黑鳥、屁屁超合金-火箭滑板車和小奶奶把餔車。 他們其實還沒有真的抓到任何罪犯過,但他們不遺餘力地為了將來的某一天做足萬全準備! One night, while enjoying a modest midnight snack of lobster thermidor and a Chateau Lafite 1869, a call came in on the ass-phone. “On screen,” ordered Steel Asshole. Xiao Nai Nai bounced flatchestedly to the videoscreen, and her heart fluttered: it was XiaoJiJi! “The trailmasters are waiting. Have you prepared your run for Sunday yet?” asked the poorly endowed one. Steel Asshole groaned, “I knew we forgot something.” Xiao Nai Nai’s heart sank in her petite chest: “I am so sorry, brother Xiao. We let you down. Are you angry? Would you like to punish me?” Steel Asshole coughed jealously, “and how is Xiao Mei Mei doing?,” as Xiao Nai Nai flashed him an angry look. 某天晚上,鋼門正在享用大龍蝦和1869年份拉菲堡當宵夜,屁屁電話響了。 「開視訊,」鋼門命令道。 小奶奶平坦地彈射到螢幕上,心兒撲通撲通跳:是小雞雞!! “路徑委員們在等待。你準備好星期天的亂了嗎?” 一位財力貧乏的人問道。 鋼門哀號:“我就知道我們忘了什麼。” 小奶奶的心沉入了她嬌小的胸膛:“對不起~~小葛格,我們讓你失望了,你生人家的氣嗎?要懲罰人家嗎~~~” 鋼門嫉妒的咳嗽了一聲:「小妹妹最近如何啊?」小奶奶惡狠狠地瞪向他。 Just then, a brilliant light and a chorus of trumpets filled the air. Who had entered the ass-cave? Why, none other than Taimax, the magnificent Metro Hasher! Defender of the downtrodden, scourge of evildoers everywhere reachable by MRT. A classic Taiwanese hero! “Oh great Taimax,” begged an awestruck Steel Asshole on one knee, “I beseech thee! Will you take over as Hare and rescue our run for the good of all hash-kind?” Taimax pulled his sunglasses down halfway and replied in sonorous Taiwanese: “好.” Steel Asshole bowed his head low to the ground, Xiao Nai Nai swooned, Xiao Ji Ji came in his pants a little, and Taimax turned, mounted his giant pangolin steed, and rode off majestically into the sunset. 就在此時,天空發出了燦爛的光芒和齊聲的號角聲。 是誰進入了屁屁巢穴? 喔,不是別人,正是連爺爺,超凡的 咩糗跑者! 受壓迫者的捍衛者,坐著捷運可到達的任何地方去剷奸除惡。 一位台灣經典英雄! 「哦,偉大的連爺爺,」鋼門敬畏的單膝跪下懇求著,“我跪求您了!你願意接掌當兔子,為了所有hash族群的利益拯救我們的亂嗎?” 連爺爺將墨鏡拉下一半,用洪亮的台語回答:“厚!!! ” 鋼門低頭跪地,小奶奶暈厥了過去,小雞雞噴了一點他的褲子上,連爺爺轉身,蹬上了穿山甲坐騎,威風凜凜地走入了夕陽之中。 ****** WHO / 誰 ****** Hare 主兔: Taimax / 連爺爺 Cohare 副兔: Steel Asshole / 鋼門 ****** WHAT / 蝦咪 ****** A:A run / 路線:A to A Long: 8.2 km + Elevation: 420 m / 爬升: 420 m Short: 5 km + Elevation: 200 m / 爬升: 200 m ****** WHEN / 啥時 ****** Date: Sunday, October 1st, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 ****** WHERE / 哪兒 ****** Yuanye Park 原野公園 https://maps.app.goo.gl/nKC13yBbraUNRTwE7 ****** HOW / 怎去 ****** Take the MRT to Qizhang Station (Green Line) and follow the flour to the run start. For those who drive, there is a parking lot next to Beixin Elementary School on Baoqiao Road nearby. 捷運綠線七張站1號出口有記號。 開車的朋友請自己找車位。附近寶橋路上北新國小旁邊有停車場。(PS:最近裕隆城開幕車子很多)。 ****** PRICE / 價格 ****** Men / 男人: $250 Women / 女人: $200 ****** BASH / 晚餐 ****** TBD

When & Where

October 1, 2023 (2:00 pm) – October 1, 2023 (6:00 pm)

Yuanye Park 原野公園 https://maps.app.goo.gl/nKC13yBbraUNRTwE7