#2501 - The Fountain of Aging Run / 衰老之泉亂


On a fateful night, Midnight Cowboy left Taipei Hash with nothing but a fistful of NT dollars and a dream to become the greatest male prostitute in all of Paris. Unfortunately, he bought tickets for Bali, Indonesia instead of France, and then got drunk and ended up on a bus to Bali, Taiwan. Broke and unable to find a client, he crossed paths with Just Look at Him, who could see with one trademark Look that, despite his youthful appearance, inside Midnight Cowboy ebbed the soul of a much older man. Taking him by the hand, he led Midnight Cowboy to Paradise on Earth: elderly men as far as the eye could see, with more retirement villages and geriatrics clinics than you could shake a walking stick at. 在一個宿命的夜晚,Midnight Cowboy(小王)手上拿著一大把的新台幣跟心裡懷抱著成為全巴黎最傳奇的男妓的夢想,離開了台北hash。但,不幸的是,他買了去印尼的峇厘島而不是法國巴黎的車票,然後…喝醉了,最後坐上了去了淡水八里的公車。身無分文,又找不到客人的小王遇到了Just Look at Him(就看著他),一個可以從他著名的凝視中看出,儘管小王的外表看起來很年輕,但內心卻躲著一個年長很多的老男人靈魂。Just Look at Him(就看著他)牽起了小王的手,帶著他來到了人間天堂,那裡放眼望去都是老人家,那裡的養老社區跟老年病診所多到淹腳目。 Midnight Cowboy was where he was meant to be, but heard a higher calling. “I must return to Taipei,” he said, “and spread the word of this aged heaven. For there are many lost souls at Taiwan Hash who have yet to experience the joys of running in the shadows of Mt. Guanyin, with the wind in your bald spot and the sea salt air in your wrinkles.” But how could these two odd fellows, one old of body and one of spirit, reach the lost lambs of Taiwan Hash, with their misplaced worship of youth and vigor, of strong leg bones and present teeth? 小王找到了他歸屬之地,但有更高的招喚在呼喊著他。 “我必須回到台北,”他說,“把這個古老天堂的存在告訴全世界。因為TwH3 有很多迷失的靈魂,還沒有體驗過在那觀音山的陰影下,隨著風,讓童山濯濯的頂部跟皺紋沉浸在鹹鹹的空氣中,享受著奔跑的樂趣。” 但這兩隻一個生理老,一個心理老的古怪兔子,怎麼能招換到TwH3那些錯誤地崇拜青春和活力,強壯的腿骨和整口貝齒的迷途羔羊呢? Just then, who would descend from his recently completed throne of 2500 golden beer cans but the mighty Homersexual himself. “My son,” he said to Midnight Cowboy, “fear not, for I will help you prepare a trail that Hashers of all ages and age-identities can enjoy.” And so, on May 14th, the new sesquibimillennium of Taiwan Hash runs opens with a run that will have you feeling young again, or old for the very first time. 就在此時,偉大傳奇的Homersexual (老王)從他那最近由 2500 個金色啤酒罐搭成的王座上走下來。 “我親愛的孩子,”他對小王說,“不要害怕,因為我會幫助你準備一條適合不論任何年齡(生理上心理上)都能享受的路徑。” 因此,在 5 月 14 日,新的TwH3 紀年亂將以一場讓你再次感到年輕或第一次變老的跑步開始。 ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Just Look at Him (就看著他) Cohare 副兔: Midnight Cowboy (小王) *****WHAT? / 蝦咪****** A:A run / 路線:A to A 7 km + Elevation: 350 m / 爬升: 350 m ******WHEN / 啥時****** Date: Sunday, May 14, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 ******WHERE / 哪兒****** Bali Xuntang Plaza 八里訊塘廣場 https://goo.gl/maps/iWNBQGxj97CGhkQs5 *****HOW? / 怎去****** Take the MRT (orange line) to St. Ignatius High School Exit 1 then transfer to bus 927 and get off at Bali Police Station. Walk for 6 minutes to the run start. 捷運徐匯中學站1號出口再轉927公車到八里分駐所站下車步行約6分鐘。 Alternatively, take the MRT (red line) to Guandu then transfer to bus R22 and get off at Tudigong Temple. 關渡捷運站有公車R22號到八里廖添丁廟。 ******PRICE****** Men $250 Women $200 ******BASH / 晚餐****** 上海小館 249新北市八里區中華路三段31號 https://goo.gl/maps/14jvsSUeWEzci9cp9

When & Where

May 14, 2023 (2:00 pm) – May 14, 2023 (6:00 pm)

Bali Xuntang Plaza八里訊塘廣場 https://goo.gl/maps/iWNBQGxj97CGhkQs5