#2503 - The Brown Line Brothers Break-In Run / 棕線雙霸天打劫亂


On the day he finished his two-day prison sentence for stealing the GM’s prized goat wife, master thief Sticky Fingers stood outside the county jail waiting for his ride. Who should show up but Elwood Blues in the Bluesmobile, a battered UberEats scooter, with two helmets and pairs of black sunglasses. “Where are we headed?” asked Sticky Fingers. 因為偷走了會長珍貴的山羊老婆而被判刑了兩天,在他出獄的那天,竊盜大師黏黏指站在監獄外等著人來給他接風。誰出現了呢~ 埃爾伍德騎著一台破舊舊的UberEats 機車,帶著兩頂安全帽和兩副黑色太陽鏡出現。 “咱們要去哪裡啊?” 黏黏指問。 “We are on a mission from God, I mean, the GM,” said Elwood Blues. “He wants us to sneak into the Taipei Zoo and recover a pair of priceless jeweled gloves and a liter of shea butter hand lotion he left behind at the camel enclosure for some reason.” “Do you have a plan?” asked Sticky Fingers? Elwood Blues smiled and pulled out a crudely drawn yet detailed map covering everything from the location of the Zoo’s trained guard lions to the final dead-drop location at a Mexican croissant shop in Linguang. “我們要執行神的使命,啊不對,是會長啦,”埃爾伍德說。 “他要我們偷偷溜進台北動物園,拿回他那副不知為何會掉在駱駝園裡的價值連城寶石手套,還有一公升乳木果護手霜。” “啊你有計劃嗎?” 黏黏指問? 埃爾伍德笑笑,然後拿出一張好像很粗略但卻又詳細的地圖,從動物園訓練有素的獅子守衛的位置到麟光站附近一家墨西哥牛角麵包店的死角位置,一應俱全。 “You know,” said Sticky Fingers, “this escape path would be a great trail for an A-B run.” “You think so?” said Elwood Blues. “Perhaps we can disguise our heist as a TH3 Run. That way the cops won’t know which of the hashers are the thieves!” “Great idea,” said Sticky Fingers, “but what if the hashers themselves catch us three times?” “That could not possibly happen two weeks in a row,” said Elwood Blues. “Fuuuuck yooouuu” said a ghostly voice from afar… “ㄟ,”黏黏指說,“這條逃跑路線很適合用來做 A to B 亂也。” “你這麼覺得?” 埃爾伍德說。 “也許我們可以將我們的打劫假裝成 TwH3 的亂,這樣警察就不會知道哪隻獵狗是小偷了!!” “吼!好主意捏,”黏黏指說,“啊可是要是獵狗就把我們抓到 3 次怎麼辦逆?” “這才不可能連續兩個禮拜都發生勒,”埃爾伍德說。 “法法法法法克~~油油油油~~~~~”從遠處傳來一個幽靈般的聲音…… ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Elwood Blues / 埃爾伍德 Cohare 副兔: Sticky Fingers / 黏黏指 *****WHAT? / 蝦咪****** A:B run / 路線:A to B 7 km + Elevation: 250 m / 爬升: 250 m ******WHEN / 啥時****** Date: Sunday, May 28, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 ******WHERE / 哪兒****** A: Muzha MRT Station A: 捷運木柵站 https://goo.gl/maps/dXXpdh9e2adjaWSd6 B: Fuyang Eco Park B: 富陽自然生態公園 https://goo.gl/maps/qomtSi5RUYF7BmYi9 *****HOW? / 怎去****** Take the MRT or the bus to Muzha MRT Station. 搭捷運或是公車到捷運木柵站 ******PRICE****** Men $250 Women $200 ******BASH / 晚餐****** 阿珍熱炒 https://goo.gl/maps/21kqKQYuMuVp4HAa9

When & Where

May 28, 2023 (2:00 pm) – May 28, 2023 (6:00 pm)

A: Muzha MRT Station A: 捷運木柵站 https://goo.gl/maps/dXXpdh9e2adjaWSd6 B: Fuyang Eco Park B: 富陽自然生態公園 https://goo.gl/maps/qomtSi5RUYF7BmYi9