#2507 - The Change of Heart Run


Known for her daring escapades and insatiable thirst for adventure and Taiwan beer, Lara Crotch had become a legend in her own right. However, behind the facade of her heroic image, Lara harbored a secret that few knew about. 蘿拉·卡褲檔(Lara Crotch) 以她大膽的冒險和對台灣啤酒的永不滿足的渴望而揚名,她憑著自己的力量成為了一個傳奇。然而,在英雄形象的背後,蘿拉藏著一個鮮為人知的秘密。 While in Sandiaoling, preparing the best trail of her life (or so she claimed), this hidden secret gnawed and ate at her conscience. As it turns out, the trails of Sandiaoling are not the only wet, dark caverns that Lara Crotch likes to explore, for she is a closeted Panty Raider. 當在三貂嶺準備著她這輩子最好的亂(至少她是這麼說的)時,這個深埋的秘密啃噬著她的良心。事實證明,三貂嶺的路徑並不是蘿拉·卡褲檔喜歡探索的唯一的濕濕黑黑深深洞穴,因為她是一個未出櫃的內褲突襲者。 The weight was finally too much to bear. Seeing that it’s pride month, Lara Crotch decided it’s as good a time as any to start living openly, by depriving the Taiwan Hash of an epic trail to make room for a gay pub crawl in Taipei before her run. Now short on time, avid hiker Twin Head was recruited as co-hare to help try to put together a semblance of an interesting run in Dahu Park. 她終於承受不住祕密的重量了。由於現在又是同志驕傲月,蘿拉·卡褲檔決定現在走出衣櫃的好時機,為了在她跑步前可以在台北的同性戀酒吧狂歡挪出時間,她決定犧牲為TwH3做出史詩般偉大的亂的機會。啊眼看沒啥時間了,她趕快抓了超喜歡健行的孿生頭( Twin Head) 當她的副兔,來幫她試著在大湖公園一起搞出一場可以算上有趣的亂。 The silver lining is that the revelation of Lara’s proclivities perhaps offers us a lead on the location of the GM’s missing dildo collection. She’s been vocal about Mexican Handjob’s deficiencies at down downs, a result for which she is partially responsible as co-nominee of the GM, and compulsively pilfering his forbidden treasures to go along with her accumulation of panties stolen from the Formosa Hash would be a womb raider’s perfect revenge. Come to the hash this Sunday and help us unravel the mystery. 我們可以期待的亮點是,蘿拉·卡褲檔的出櫃或許會是讓我們可以找到會長丟掉的假雞雞的線索。 她一直毫不遮掩大言不慚地說墨西哥手工活在噹噹時的無能,覺得她好像應該對當初提名他當會長有點責任,並且覺得偷他的禁忌寶藏來配合她從FH3 偷來的成堆內褲將會是個完美復仇。這個星期天一起來幫助我們解開謎團吧~ ****** WHO / 誰 ****** Hare 主兔: Lara Crotch / 蘿拉·卡褲檔 Cohare 副兔: Twin Head / 孿生頭 ****** WHAT / 蝦咪 ****** A:A run / 路線:A to A 9 km + Elevation: 350 m / 爬升: 350 m ****** WHEN / 啥時 ****** Date: Sunday, June 25, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 ****** WHERE / 哪兒 ****** Dahu Park 大湖公園 https://goo.gl/maps/nYAbLKu995AYbhmbA ****** HOW / 怎去 ****** Take the MRT to Dahu Park Exit 2 and follow the flour to the run start. 搭捷運到大湖公園站2號出口,然後跟著麵粉走到起跑點。 ****** PRICE / 價格 ****** Men $250 Women $200 ****** BASH / 晚餐 ****** 黑美林 https://goo.gl/maps/s55FtRX7C2qmFrdf9

When & Where

June 25, 2023 (2:00 pm) – June 25, 2023 (6:00 pm)

Dahu Park 大湖公園 https://goo.gl/maps/nYAbLKu995AYbhmbA