#2500 - The Sesquibimillennial Anniversary Run


Taiwan Hash traces its pedigree back to 1975, when the first China Hashers dragged their hungover selves out on a Sunday afternoon to partake in an event that’s equal parts pain and pleasure. For many, the very concept of hashing must have been unthinkable: “Err… The fuck? I need to RUN to drink the beer?” Imagine, then, the mental strain they would feel seeing their ancestors still running and drinking 48 years later, on the verge of completing 2500 runs. Only a handful of other hashes around the world have managed to hit sesquibimillennial mark! 臺灣健龍捷兔的歷史可追溯到1975年時第一代的中華健龍兒在一個週日下午決定拖著宿醉的身體參加這個痛苦與幸福參半的活動。對很多人來說,Hash Run的概念本就讓人費疑猜:「蛤?我要先跑步才能喝啤酒?」試想他們若看見這些祖公祖嬤邊跑邊喝48年後的今天將滿2500次還在跑還在喝應該都驚呆了,全球也只有五隻手指數得出來的其他跑團得以慶祝這個里程碑! Much has changed in the world – and on the hash – since those brave men and women first laced their sneakers and cracked their beers. Thankfully, our beer is (marginally) better now. We renamed our kennel to Taiwan Hash, and some would say we’ve gotten a bit more PC. Nevertheless, the important things remain constant. We still enjoy terrible jokes, cold beer, occasional nudity, beautiful trails, and the companionship of our fellow half-mind hashmates. And if all that wasn’t enough, we’ve still got that strange-yet-sensual cartoon dragon as our mascot. 自從那些男男女女首次繫上跑鞋鞋帶,撬開啤酒後,世界變了很多,Hash Run也變了很多。但好里加在,現在啤酒(勉勉強強地)更好喝了。我們也改名為臺灣健龍捷兔,雖然有些人可能會說我們太追求政治正確,但不管如何,最重要的事還是不變,我們還是喜歡中二笑話、冰啤酒、偶然刻意地公然裸露、美麗的路徑,還有這些半醉半醒同路跑者們的陪伴。如果這些都還不夠,別忘了我們還有醜得可愛的健龍吉祥物啊。 Join us on Sunday, May 7th for a run by one of the most celebrated and beloved of Taiwan Hash hares – Homersexual (aka School Sucker in some circles). His trail is looking legendary and will be a fitting celebration of this great milestone in TwH3 history. 5月7日週日加入我們來跑臺灣健龍捷兔極富盛譽也喜愛的兔子- 戀家癖 (Homersexual),(在其他地方也被稱作挖某讀書 (School Sucker))做的路線,看來滿傳奇的,也很適合用來慶祝台灣健龍史上重要的一刻。 This is a run that you MUST sign up for in advance. The run fee is higher than normal run but includes: 這是一個你必須事先報名的路線,報名費將比平常收費略高,但包含了: Your hash cash (beer, snacks, etc.) 跑路費(包含啤酒、零食…等等) Bus transportation(巴士交通費) A special 2500 run t-shirt(2500跑次紀念T恤) Bash(跑後聚餐費用) Sign up now, as places are limited. Earn your beer and be a part of TwH3 history! 名額有限,報名從速!奔向你的啤酒,成為台灣健龍故事中的一員吧! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWjHOw-yqRtcUO5f7Y3a0GLVcE9bTUASgfdi8PMPHqO5_ZVA/viewform ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Homersexual Cohare 副兔: [TBD] ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* Run type and distance TBD. *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday May 7th, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩半點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Start point TBD. It will be around Hukou in Hsinchu County. 起跑點將在新竹湖口某處 ******HOW? / 怎去******* This is a BUS RUN! 這是一個巴士跑! *******PRICE******* Sign-up by Feb 28 2023 二月底前報名 $1,400 Sign-up by Mar 31 2023 三月底前報名 $1,500 Sign-up after Apr 1 2023 四月後報名 $1,600 *******BASH / 晚餐******* TBD

When & Where

May 7, 2023 (2:00 pm) – May 7, 2023 (6:00 pm)

石門 Shimen