#2495 - Tomb Sweeping Run 清明亂


April is starting off strong with a 5-day weekend in recognition of the Tomb Sweeping Festival. Next week, stop and take a moment to reflect on the meaning of this special holiday. This is a time to honor all of the brave men and women who march, unafraid, into spooky tombs with brooms in hand to sweep away all the ghosts. Their efforts make the graveyards of Taiwan just a little safer for intrepid hashers like you and I. 四月的一開始就以5天的長假來”慶祝”清明節。 下星期,請花點時間來思考這個特殊假期的意義。 這是一個向所有勇敢的男男女女致敬的時刻,他們手持著掃把,毫無畏懼地走進陰森森的夜總會,然後清除所有的好兄弟!! 他們的努力讓台灣的夜總會對我們這些膽大包天的獵狗們來說又更安全了一點。 How will we incorporate this holiday into the hash, you ask? Broom down-downs? A graveyard section? A 3-day hangover? I can’t say for sure, but I’d bet at least one of these will happen for some lucky hashers! 你想知道我們如何把這個節日完美融入Hash?掃把噹噹? 夜總會巡禮? 宿醉個三天三夜?我不能保證甚麼,但是我敢打賭,上列至少會有一項發生在某些幸運的獵狗身上!! This week, we’re celebrating the holiday under the guidance of Fly and Blowjob Master. These aptly named hares have promised a wild route with all the trappings of a good hash trail; mountains, water, and trains. Hop a train down to Mudan and enjoy a traditional Taiwanese celebration of this holiday! 這個星期,我們將由恰如其兔名的 Fly(跑跑姐) & Blowjob Master (吹吹大濕)帶領我們慶祝這個節日,這些兔仔子保證帶給大家一條很野的路加上好山好水跟火車!! 還不快跳上火車一路殺到牡丹,跟我們一起享受這個傳統節日!! ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Fly(跑跑姐) Cohare 副兔: Blowjob Master(吹吹大濕) ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A L: 7 km / S: 6.5 km Elevation: 320 m / 爬升: 320 m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, April 2, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* If it’s raining, check the event comments to see if we change to the wet run start. 如果下雨了的話,請再次確認活動留言處,看是不是有更改成濕跑點 Dry/乾: Mudan Elementary School Basketball Court 牡丹國小籃球場 https://goo.gl/maps/c8favypdYgVdCWqd9 Wet/濕: Mudan Activity Square 牡丹活動廣場 https://goo.gl/maps/Fp3UJv8cLBYAc5vL7 ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take any train to Mudan. 搭火車到牡丹站 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* TBD. We’ll take the train back to Taipei after down-downs and bash in the city. We’ll update the event and event comments when we decide. 還未決定,應該是噹噹後一起坐火車回台北再一起罷許,地點決定以後會在更新至活動留言中~

When & Where

April 2, 2023 (2:00 pm) – April 2, 2023 (6:00 pm)

If it’s raining, check the event comments to see if we change to the wet run start. 如果下雨了的話,請再次確認活動留言處,看是不是有更改成濕跑點 Dry/乾: Mudan Elementary School Basketball Court 牡丹國小籃球場 https://goo.gl/maps/c8favypdYgVdCWqd9 Wet/濕: Mudan Activity Square 牡丹活動廣場 https://goo.gl/maps/Fp3UJv8cLBYAc5vL7