#2494 - It’s Nuannuan Your Business! 關你暖暖鳥事


Ball Is In Your Cort is perhaps best known in the hash for shaving the standing GM’s amenities at down-downs. Before that, however, his reputation was somewhat less stellar- he was known for no-showing on his first trail. Whenever someone asked why he disappeared, he’d just say “It’s Nuannuan your business.” Ball Is In Your Cort(蛋蛋在你的髒窩)在hash裡聲名大噪的事,可能就是在噹噹的時候剃了會長的頭。但在此之前,他的名聲倒不是那麼的好,他以根本沒出現在他第一次做路的亂的事而臭名在外。而且每次有人問他那次為何消失,他每次都只會說”關你暖暖鳥事” 。 Well, dear hashers, I’m here to tell you the true story of what happened to Ball Is In Your Cort. The pressure of his first trail got to him, so he ran away to the quaint town of Nuannuan and joined a Chicago blues band. There, he spent months blowing a rusty trombone for just about anybody who’d listen. 好唄,親愛的獵狗們,請聽我娓娓道來Ball Is In Your Cort(蛋蛋在你的髒窩)的真實故事。 第一次做路的壓力擊倒了他,於是他逃到了古色古香的暖暖小鎮,並加入了芝加哥藍調樂隊。 在那兒,他花了幾個月的時間為幾乎是所有願意聽的人吹喇叭。 Just when he thought he thought he has done with the hash, someone stepped onto the stage and grabbed his hand- It was No Potential. “If you’re going to play the rusty trombone, you may as well do it for the people you love… the hash,” he said. 就在他以為他已經受夠了hash時,有人走上舞台並抓住了他的手 – No Potential(沒有潛力)。 “如果你想要吹喇叭,你也可以為了你愛的人們做~~ 回hash吧”他說。 That was all the push Ball Is In Your Cort needed. He’s come back to hare for Taiwan Hash, with No Potential at his side. What’s more, he’s promised to blow some blues on his rusty trombone for your listening pleasure at down-downs. So everyone, let’s do our best to cheer him on so he doesn’t forget! 這句話就是 Ball Is In Your Cort(蛋蛋在你的髒窩)需要的全部動力。 他下定決心回來為TwH3當兔子,並有 No Potential(沒有潛力)陪伴在側。 更重要的是,他保證會吹些藍調喇叭,讓大家在噹噹的時候享受聽奏的樂趣~~ 所以大家請為他加油加油,不要讓他忘記他的承諾! Sunday’s run starts within walking distance from Nuannuan train station. The hares have promised us some tricky checks and technical trails, with a pretty high chance of getting wet. This trail is not one to be missed! 星期天的亂從暖暖火車站有點距離的走路開始,兔仔子們為我們獻上了一些有難度的check和路徑,而且有很大的機會讓你濕身~絕對不要錯過!! ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Ball Is In Your Cort (蛋蛋在你的髒窩) Cohare 副兔: No Potential (毫無潛力) Spiritual Cohare whose meat got beat and cannot run: XiaoJiJi 精神副兔: 棒棒被打打,現在跑不動的小雞雞 ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 8 km + Elevation: 370 m / 爬升: 370 m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, March 26, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Nuannuan Sports Park 暖暖運動公園兒童遊戲場 https://maps.app.goo.gl/WffHDEwwUzd74DgP9 ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take the train to Nuannuan and walk 20 minutes to the run start. 搭火車到暖暖然後走20分鐘到起跑點 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* 暖暖小館 02 2458 8106 https://maps.app.goo.gl/rLPqP7SKKFQD4grQ6

When & Where

March 26, 2023 (2:00 pm) – March 26, 2023 (6:00 pm)

Nuannuan Sports Park 暖暖運動公園兒童遊戲場 https://maps.app.goo.gl/WffHDEwwUzd74DgP9