#2493 – The Green Dress Run 綠洋裝特跑
Only one Irishman is known to join Taiwan Hash these days and you’ve surely heard about him before. He goes by the name of Big John, not because he has a big tool but because he takes a lot of space. He speaks a lot, likes to brag about Irish rugby and – as many Irishmen of his kind – has the tendency to get into ridiculously big fights for very small reasons. There are actually only two people that bear to be around him for more than 10 minutes: his wife Chicken Sashimi and his only friend and cohare Ding Bu Dong. 近年來TwH3裡面只有一個愛爾蘭人加入,啊你一定也聽說過他~鼎鼎大名”大約翰”(Big John),他有這名字不是因為他有個大雞雞,而是因為他佔用了很多空間。他有夠”搞為”,然後超喜歡跟人家吹牛愛爾蘭英式橄欖球有多厲害,而且,幾乎跟他所有的愛爾蘭人同類一樣,粉喜歡為了雞毛蒜皮的原因捲入荒謬的大戰。可以在他身邊忍受超過10分鐘的,絕不誇張,大概真的只有兩個人:他老婆雞肉沙西米(Chicken Sashimi)和他的小夥伴聽不懂(Ding Bu Dong) 。 The positives are that Big John is known to offer us glorious runs. And to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day this year, there are once again no better choices than him. After Pingxi last year, he will bring us to our first run of the year in Tamsui in what looks to be a very green and runnable A to B as the hares have managed to find and cut some sections of a trail unknown to most Taiwan hashers. 好啦,來說點他的好話,除了上面那些特質之外,Big John總是可以提供大家很棒的亂。而且,為了要慶祝今年的聖派翠克節,再也沒有比他更好的兔子可以選了~ 繼去年的平溪亂之後,他將帶來今年我們第一次的淡水亂,保證一片綠油油~而且從A點到B點都很好跑!!兔仔子已幫我們找到(並砍乾淨)一些新路徑,是你們大多數人絕對都不知道處女地~ If you didn’t know already, the Green Dress Run has been a tradition in Taiwan Hash as it’s another occasion for us to wear silly green dresses. This year will be no different and hashers will be required to dress accordingly for this historical run. So bring out your best green outfits and dresses to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day with us on Sunday. You can also be sure you won’t get thirsty this week since we’ll bring not one but two kegs of Long Dong lager. On On! 怕你還不知道,綠洋裝特跑也一直是TwH3的一個傳統,因為他給了我們一個穿傻西西綠裙子的一個場合。今年當然也不例外,獵狗們將被要求遵守這個傳統好好的點綴上你的綠色!! 所以穿上你最好的綠衣綠褲綠裙或甚至綠帽~這星期天一起來跟我們一起慶祝聖派翠克節吧!! 你也可以確定這個禮拜你絕對不會口渴~因為咱們提供你不是一桶!而是兩桶的龍洞生啤!! 還不快來!! Onon ~ ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Big John (大約翰) Cohare 副兔: Ding Bu Dong (聽不懂) ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:B run / 路線:A to B 7,5 km + Elevation: 300 m / 爬升: 300 m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, March 19, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:30 兔子兩點半起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* A: Tamkang University Station A: 淡江大學站 https://goo.gl/maps/5RTEDYENaDyNiR446 B: End of Lane 73, Bashi Rd. Close to Hongshulin Station. B: 八勢路73巷尾,靠近紅樹林捷運站 https://goo.gl/maps/DRHK6bKmizaGdukTA ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take the MRT to Hongshulin Station on the Red Line, then take the LRT to Tamkang University Station. FOR DRIVERS: Park around Hongshulin MRT station and take the LRT to the A point. 搭紅線到紅樹林站,然後換輕軌到淡江大學站。 要開車的話,可以把車停在紅樹林站,然後搭輕軌到起跑點。 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* Redpoint Taproom 紅點桌邊飲 https://goo.gl/maps/YwojC9cWzFV8z6ZUA
When & Where
March 19, 2023 (2:00 pm) – March 19, 2023 (6:00 pm)
A: Tamkang University Station A: 淡江大學站 https://goo.gl/maps/5RTEDYENaDyNiR446 B: End of Lane 73, Bashi Rd. Close to Hongshulin Station. B: 八勢路73巷尾,靠近紅樹林捷運站 https://goo.gl/maps/DRHK6bKmizaGdukTA