#2488 - Golden Trail Series - Running With The Runivores


This Sunday marks the start of a great adventure – the 2023 TwH3 Golden Trail Series. The biggest names in Taiwan’s trail running scene are guiding us down their best trails in scenic areas like Jiaoxi and Bali. 照過來照過來~這個星期天將是一場偉大冒險的開始 – 2023 TwH3 黃金越野跑系列賽正式啟動啦!! 縱橫台灣越野跑界的大神們將帶領我們穿梭在他們在北台灣風景名勝區精心策畫的私房路線(像是礁溪啦,八里啦等等~)。 Just Tom (of Runivore fame) headlines our opening act, alongside the infamous Fuck MH3. The hares will lean on their extensive experience in reccying and hosting Explore Your Backyard to outwit the hounds. While their route shares a few highlights with that event, much of the trail will be a fresh experience from the runners who know the area best. “就只是Tom” (Just Tom,開跑食族那個)和惡名昭彰,上次想把你煮成湯的”去你的咩糗”(Fuck MH3)一起領軍為我們帶來這偉大系列賽的開場。這兩隻兔仔子想靠著他們辦了好幾場的”探索後花園”系列賽事的豐富經驗,來智取我們這些獵犬。雖然這次的路線會有跟之前的賽事有一些一樣的地方,但憑著他們的設計,就算你以為你已經摸透了那個地區,大部分的路徑還是會讓你有全新的體驗! The question isn’t if they’ll be able to outrun the harriers – I’m not sure what a Runivore is, but it sounds spooky fast – but if they can keep up with us at down-downs and the bash. 大家要擔心這兩隻兔子的點並不是他們跑得快不快(那個,啊我不確定”跑食族”是甚麼啦,但是不覺得他就聽起來他媽的快嗎?!?!),而是他們可不可以繼續在噹噹跟霸許狂歡中跟上我們的腳步!! For more information on the Golden Trail Series, check out the pinned post on our FB page. Hashers and nonhashers alike are welcome to join – this is a great opportunity to spread the word of the Great GM in the Sky! 大家可以在我們FB社團裡面釘選的貼文裡看到有關黃金越野跑系列賽事的更多訊息。請大家樓上揪樓下,阿爸揪阿母,阿公揪阿嬤,歡迎所有獵狗與非獵狗們的加入~~這是我們很好散播偉大天意的一個最佳機會,讓更多人加入邪教組織吧~~ ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Just Tom (就只是Tom) Cohare 副兔: Fuck MH3 (去你的咩糗) ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A L: 11 km + Elevation: 500 m / 爬升: 500 m S: 7 km + Elevation: 350 m / 爬升: 350 m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, February 12, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* 多肉植物與花店 https://maps.app.goo.gl/rmPmkyeiRXyKGRBT9 ******HOW? / 怎去******* Walk/taxi pool 1.5 km from Yongning MRT Station or take buses 570, 571, or 572. 搭藍線到永寧站,走路或是一起搭計程車(約1.5km),或是轉乘570, 571, 572公車 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* Gudu Huo Seafood Restaurant 古都活海鮮餐廳 0222709535 https://goo.gl/maps/r3MTaRKejexAd8cP8

When & Where

February 12, 2023 (2:00 pm) – February 12, 2023 (6:00 pm)

多肉植物與花店 https://maps.app.goo.gl/rmPmkyeiRXyKGRBT9