#2483 - Pleasing the Spirits 讓好兄弟們開開心心


Every year, Ding Bu Dong delves into North Taiwan’s darkest and spoopiest cemeteries to gather blessings for the Hash. Thus, when some hashers reported spoopy noises around Linguang MRT, the Committee sent him to investigate. Per his report, spoopy sounds already awaited at the MRT steps: “OOOoouuuooouoo~” 每一年,聽不懂(Ding Bu Dong)都會為了Hash深入到北台灣最最陰暗又毛骨悚然的夜總會,幫大家祈願納福。 所以,當一些狗仔們通報說麟光站附近有靈動現象時,幹部們就派他好好去調查。 根據他的報告,在捷運的樓梯上就已經可以聽到好兄弟的低吟:“喔喔~~~嗚嗚喔喔~~嗚嗚幽幽幽幽~ Unfortunately, Ding Bu Dong couldn’t tell whether these were happy or sad noises. He pushed towards the nearest cemetery and listened closer: “Fuck YoouuOOOoouuuooouoo~” “Spirits, how have we angered you?” he asked. “You promised to run more and drink more in 2023, but most of you were passed out by January 2! You guys suck.” 不幸的是,聽不懂真的聽不懂好兄弟他們到底是開心還是不開心。他只好跑到最近的夜總會,靠近聽得更清楚一點: “法克幽幽幽幽嗚嗚喔喔喔嗚嗚嗚嗚” “好兄弟啊,我們怎麼惹你生氣了啊?” 聽不懂問。 “你們這些小王八蛋答應會在 2023 年跑多一點喝多一點,但才 1 月 2 日大部分的人就都給我宿醉昏倒在地?!爛爆了你們!! ” To quell these ghosts, Ding Bu Dong recruited Taiwan Hash’s finest ghostbusters, Drowning in Cunts and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, to organize a proper hash run. Their route features ample trail and passes through a graveyard to prove that we are indeed keeping our promises to run and drink more. 為了平息這些好兄弟們,聽不懂招集了TwH³最優秀的魔鬼剋星,溺死在逼(Drowning in Cunts) 和 酒精症候群胎兒(Fetal Alcohol Syndrome),一起為大家準備了一條棒棒的。這條路線將穿梭在夜總會裡配上有很多可跑的路徑, 來證明我們絕對會信守承諾,跑多一點喝更多一點! ******WHO? / 誰?****** Hare 主兔: Ding Bu Dong 聽不懂 Cohare 副兔: Drowning in Cunts Co-Cohare副副兔: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ******WHAT? / 蝦咪******* A:A run / 路線:A to A 7.5 km + Elevation: 480 m / 7.5K+ 爬升480 m *******WHEN / 啥時******* Date: Sunday, January 8, 2023 Time: Hares off at 14:00 兔子兩點起跑 *******WHERE / 哪兒******* Fuyang Eco Park 富陽自然生態公園 106台北市大安區富陽街180 (Note: Run start may change slightly in bad weather. Keep an eye on the event comments if it’s raining.) https://goo.gl/maps/P3DKewG52f3FaWm39 ******HOW? / 怎去******* Take Brown Line MRT to LinGuang Station and walk 5 minutes. 搭捷運棕線(文湖線)到麟光站再走5分鐘 *******PRICE******* Men $250 Women $200 *******BASH / 晚餐******* Redpoint Brewing Co. Taproom 紅點桌邊飲 https://goo.gl/maps/uogb2r5PW4vqVXgN9

When & Where

January 8, 2023 (2:00 pm) – January 8, 2023 (6:00 pm)

Fuyang Eco Park 富陽自然生態公園 106台北市大安區富陽街180 (Note: Run start may change slightly in bad weather. Keep an eye on the event comments if it’s raining.) https://goo.gl/maps/P3DKewG52f3FaWm39