#2390 - The 3 idiot runs


I remember the first time I met Weeping Pussy, I had no idea who he was but he spared no time in letting me know about the obscene amount of trophies lining every available space in his house. 我還記得我那第一次見到Weeping Pussy的摸門,那時我都還不知道他是哪位,但他就已經不遺餘力的拼命讓我知道他家堆了滿山遍谷的獎盃。 The excess of accomplishment must weigh heavy on Weeping Pussy’s shoulders. Or more to the point on his wife’s patience as he has promised medals for the podium finishers of this weeks long run no doubt clearing up shelf space for his beleaguered and bored missus to place whatever it is people put up on shelves, cats or something. 這些錦上添花的成就對Weeping Pussy來說大概已經有點沉重,或是他老婆的耐心也到了極限,所以這個星期他將頒發獎牌給那些站上凸台的人。這將為他那飽受困擾且覺得窮極無聊的太座清出不少空間,來擺放平常人會放上架子上的東西,貓啦或是任何物品 This run is actually 3 AtoA runs apparently, covering Yanmingshan, Neihu and Shilin. I am supremely confident that everything will go perfectly as planned and there will be absolutely no fuck ups whatsoever. 啊這次的run其實是超值的3個A to A 亂~ 涵蓋了陽明山,內湖跟士林。TM我超級有把握一切一定都會超級完美,絕對都會照著計劃走,且絕絕對對不會發生任何混亂 。 FROM THE HARES (Thank-you for organising the important info for me!) Weeping Pussy, Cum Stain, and Inexplicably Popular take us to run in Taipei suburb near Shilin area. Three hares will present three routes, Super-S, S, and L. The runs will cover Yangmingshan, Neihu, and Shilin districts with river tracing, giant stones, thick bamboo forest, rope climbing, slipper terrains, and epic views. 三隻兔子第一次合作帶台灣健龍去台北近郊跑山,兔子們掛保證台灣健龍們沒跑過的新路線與新挑戰,巨石陣,攀繩溯溪,美麗竹林,眺望的美景,一定好玩刺激,兔子堅持當天要現撒麵粉,三隻兔子,三條路線,路線涵蓋陽明山,內湖,士林地區,讓大家跑的過癮,暢快喝啤酒。 HARE: 主兔: Weeping Pussy 0926776166 COHARE: 副兔: Cum Stain, Inexplicably Popular WHERE? Zhishan Park ( beginning of Zhishan RD, Sec. 1.) 至善公園 (臺北市士林區至善路一段起點) GPS: https://goo.gl/VKsqxz (1) 大眾交通工具Public Transportation: https://goo.gl/AOt4kD 【捷運劍潭捷運站 1號出口】,搭公車小15, 小15區, 小16, 小17,小18, 小19, 10分鐘到(泰北中學) 直走到雙溪公園對面集合地點。 Take MRT to JianTan MRT station exit 1 and take bus S 15, S16, S17, S18, S19 and get off at TAI-BEI High School. Follow flour and walk straight 5 mins. (2) 【捷運士林捷運站2號出口】,步行前往福林路到至善公園集合點 約15分 https://goo.gl/8BwIbg or Get off at Shilin MRT exit 2 walk to Fulin Road to Zhishan Park. (3) Bash: 一極鮮-芝山捷運站 Seafood restaurant Zhishan exit 1 (4) * LOST?? 迷路?? * Hare 兔子Jerry: 0926776166 ********* Price ********* Men $250 Women $200 ********* COVID ********* Use hand sanitizer before giving the hash cash money. 請在給Hash Cash前先消毒你的手 If you are at all worried about COVID-19 then stay home. 如果你擔心病毒問題,請你待在家裡不要來 If you are a higher risk demographic please stay home. 如果你是高風險族群,請你待在家裡不要來 This is for your safety and you can attend at your own risk. 這攸關你的安全及健康,請自我斟酌負責是否來參加 ********* Dick Check ********* Although we want you to have fun on the party bus and other hash events, remember that you being drunk isn’t an invitation to grope, harass someone or generally be a dick. Any inappropriate behavior will be met with an immediate 1 year ban from all Taiwan Hash events regardless of your gender and sexual orientation. We’re here to have fun and that’s it! Just remember, think about your mother before you act, that should get rid of your horn! **給全部跑友的提醒** 我們希望大家都在聚會和派對上玩得開心,但請注意,就算喝醉也不代表你可以隨意去摸來摸去、騷擾別人或是變成一個混蛋。當我們發現有任何不適當的行為發生,不論你的性別或性向是如何,我們將馬上禁止你一年內不得再來CH3聚會或派對! 請記住,我們來TwH3開心的,請大家三思而後行! ********* Disclaimer ********* 1- First time runners! Bring a change, set of clean clothes and shoes. Trail might be muddy, crossing rivers may happen, and hares are responsible if it is raining. (Blame them during the down-downs) 2- hashers bringing first time runners, please, be in charge to babysit them along the trail. 3- It is recommended to 1st Time runners to bring their cellphone on the trail. 4- This is a running event, it may include trails, climbing, snakes … runners are informed they are RESPONSIBLE for their OWN safety. Late Walkers/Runners will be rescued if missing at the finish line… 5- Eat before to join to avoid low blood sugar pressure 6- this event is including alcoholic beverages, please be responsible and don’t drive 1- 第一次來參加的兔友們,請攜帶更換的衣服及鞋子。路線可能會泥濘,也有可能會穿越一些河。如果下雨的話,就怪兔子吧(你可以在down down時唸他們一下)!! 2- 帶第一次來跑的兔友們,請自行負責照顧你的朋友! 3- 我們建議第一次來跑的朋友們,帶著你的手機一起跑,以備不時之需 4- 這是一個跑山的活動,這代表會有未開發的小徑、攀岩、蛇等等,參加者自行對自身安全負責。遲到或是走比較慢的兔友,我們如果發現你沒回到終點,我們會去找你。 5- 參加此活動前,請確保你來之前吃些東西,避免低血糖血壓狀況發生 6- 這是一個提供酒精飲料的活動,喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒

When & Where

March 28, 2021 (2:30 pm) – March 28, 2021 (11:00 pm)
